I dare you to post the true reason you reject Christianity

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by ReturnFire333, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. How am I supposed to believe in god and Christ, when everything I know to be true, suggests otherwise?
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  2. Because, if Christianity is true, then rejecting it would take me to Hell - which is logically the better choice.
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  3. I will only ever believe in God if someone can measurably and observably prove that such a being ACTUALLY exists. No one has ever been able to do this though. But as time progresses, and we learn more about the universe with science, the existence of God only seems to be less and less likely.
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  4. There's people who play God (literally) and it's a cult.
  5. Christianity today is not what I perceive as christianity. Jesus threw the money lenders out of the Temple and spoke about how to take care of yourself and heal yourself. If you search for the essene gospel of peace it is all there.

    Not a Christian myself
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  6. It’s more less a metaphor of the truth , if Jesus was real or not doesn’t even matter/ if death exists and they’re is no resurrection or afterlife then nothing is real .

    I use to buy into this whole Christianity and afterlife and stuff but now I say true or untrue no one can comprehend what that means .
    god and Jesus could be god , it’s still all Astro Theology retold , myrhraism and many ancient religions re sold to use as something new “ Jesus “ his story has been around since man existed .

    you cannot prove a myth as true of false, it’s all fairy tales , faith and truth mixed into Same message .

    Jesus is truth and the light , he is the sun in the solar system sun god etc … do your research it’s true .
    So even if Christmas and Christianity is all ancient Babylonian tales , retold it still has a truthful message .
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  7. You have more truth in what you stated than you know.

    Sent from my Pixel 4 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  8. I think Christianity has a great many virtues as a philosophy. However, I can't bring myself to follow because I consider it a religion of weakness. Turn the other cheek, forgive all sins, these are things that get you and yours destroyed in the real world.
  9. #1150 Ultramaxx, Sep 5, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2021
    It’s also a mix of various pagan religions the unconquerable sun , mythraism and over 20 more have similar teachings . Peter sure didn’t turn the other cheek he used a sword on the romans…
    I’d like to hear from a devout Christian why they have faith if the second coming still hasn’t happened been 2021 years and crickets … I used to go a orthodox Christian church and they are overly faithful that there prayers will be answered ;pray unceasingly and nothing is ever answered then you go insane … I’d say if I tried nothing ever happens so therefore it’s bs ..
    very friendly ..
    prayers to yourself basically .. :smoking-banana: does that make you god ? And god dies when we’re gone ?
    These fat cats stacking up paper , like never understood that Jesus and Lucifer are essentially the sun in definition.. or the same thing
    Bright morning star or light bearer .. a star
    It’s the zoidiac or Astro theology..

    jesus is melting the ice caps ?
  10. Jesus built my car
    It's a love affair
    Mainly Jesus and my hot rod
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. In my dang a ding a ding a ding dong
    A sticky sticky son of a gun
    Ding a danga danga dong dong ding dong
    Why why never know.
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  12. Because anything is possible, and if there is life after death, it’s probably very different from anything we have come up with (unless it’s reincarnation, and even then there are probably a lot of differences.)
  13. Ans how about that thing where the handling of cases of sexual abuse in the catholic church is withheld on purpose to get too old to be handled in the justice system. This is built into the system by order of the Pope. They have their own justice system inside the church.
  14. My reason:

    I don't believe a just or moral god would allow for either original sin and eternal damnation. Both are abhorrent in concept and, with the presence of an omnipotent creator, unjustifiable. Christianity in this vein totally rejects the possibility of good or "saved" peoples in other cultures and faiths. The vast majority of Shinto/Buddhist Japanese would be damned (I taught there for several years, some of the most moral, spiritually-included people I have ever known are non-Christian).

    That's alone is a pretty good reason not to believe in the core tenets of Christianity -- and that's without going into the fact that Christianity is unverifiable and untestable; in fact, like all Abrahamic religions, it depends on being unverifiable and untestable. It requires belief without evidence.

    Having said that, I grew up conservative and evangelical. I attended a house church with my wife for a number of years. We send our son to a Christian preschool. I attend Mass with my grandmother. My mother prays every night. People I love find deep meaning in Christianity. I often find people in the faith and pastors in my life to be among my greatest mentors.

    But I've yet to encounter compelling answers to my challenges. I am simply encouraged to pray. Believe me, I have. I've yet to receive an answer. And so, while I may try to live my life by the sermon on the mount and the teaching of Christ, I do not believe in original sin and eternal damnation. At all.

    Thoughts on this answer?
  15. Much of the plot, characters, and traditions were appropriated from earlier Pagan religions that had existed at the time. Not to mention the Bible doesn't actually make much sense or provide anything useful that couldn't be achieved secularly.
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  16. It is all simply made-up BS. The doctrine of divine retribution is particularly noxious to me. Christinsanity uses fear to blackmail people into obedience and handing over their money.
  17. Hitchens said it best;

    "Under Christianity, you are born sick and commanded to be well."

    Satan is actually the hero of the story.
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  18. Who wouldn’t take eternal fire over a sad earthly life , be nice to be the sun … Lucifer sounds more like God if he turned mankind from apes to humans or whatever happened . Immortality would be nice but unless there’s an afterlife it’s not possible , cannot imagine the loneliness of oblivion forever …
    We’re is the second coming of Jesus ? Rip

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