I chopped my first grow today.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by I have this, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. 4 plants, but 1 got sick and never recovered, it didnt give me more than 5 or 6 grams.

    The other 3 are 1 #1 skunk and 2 white widow. one of the white widow's also had some illness.

    245 grams wet #1 skunk.

    190 grams wet WW.


    So I can figure on maybe 1/4 of that after drying?

  2. pretty much
    i chopped some chit the other day
    weighed 4.0 wet, was 1.5 dry, and it wasnt crispy dry, still a little moist.
  3. Now I would like to make brownies out of my trummings and some bud if I need to, anyone know how?

    I have read up on a bunch of methods here, but didnt find anything relating the two.

    What is the best/quickest way? I dont care if they have cuttings in them, fiber is good.

    Thanks. :wave::smoking:
  4. Butter. Good butter, not shitty margarine or whatever. THC binds with fats and alcohols. So, melt some butter, simmer your trimmings in it for a while...strain out the used trimmings after some cook time. Use the amount of butter declared in the recipe.
  5. sweet. how long is a while? 20 minutes? 2 hours?
  6. ^^ actually 20mins - 2hrs is good. some dedicated ppl do 24hr in crocpots. whenever i do butter i try to simmer it for about 2hrs.. put a movie on , stir here and there. turns out well for me
  7. thanks!

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