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I cant roll anymore?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by CaptainKittens, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. sup

    i havent been rollin at all recently, ive been using the bong and the vape. But ive been trying to roll a kingsize joint for a party tonight, and i cant do it. I cant get the wrap to be firm at all. ive been looking up videos and tutorials, and i used to be able to roll, but its like im cursed.

    i know, bit of a cliche thread but any tips?
  2. practice?

    I havent rolled a joint all year and i did 2 nights ago after i reuped bigger than usual because i was celebrating. rolled a bunch of fat knockers no problem, freehanded.

    its like a riding a bike to me, you never forget
  3. Card Technique = Perfect Joint Everytime (once you understand it)
  4. Yeah just use the card technique. For me though, however long a break I take it doesn't really matter. Just keep ripping it open and rolling it again, it'll click again.
  5. I know the feelings, after coming out of a 5 year stretch for growing, all those years of rolling single paper roll ups... The day i got out and was handed an ounce of big buhda cheese... My cones looked like something my fiance would use... Once a month... Funny thing was, I could roll blunt wraps perfect :s
  6. roll the paper with only the filter in it, seal, then scoop up and pack down, it should be firm but not too firm.
  7. yeah i just rolled a sweet one but what worried me was the fact it took me like 20 minutes. i used to be able to roll in less than half of i guess time will tell if my next joint will take me that long.

    i should practice more though haha. thanks for the tips
  8. Ttll roll better if you put more weed in the paper. If your not puttin enough weed in it id go to 1/4 papers. or buy a blunt
  9. Thumb transplant, worked for a friend of a sister of a friend of my cousin.

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