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I cant relax

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by stickyglassOG, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. so I work 40 hours a week and since I'm at work for about half my day 6 out of 7 days I'm always watching the clock, calculating my hours, mins esc... so when I'm at home I always find myself stressing about my time and such because I usually have to get up at 8 AM everyday and I just can't seem to get a grip. I dunno what making a thread about it is gonna do but just wanna hear some responses. I'm so stressed and it sucks. I smoke constantly at home but I still just can't chill out anymore. I've been smoking bigger bowls during my sessions but idk. life. :(

  2. Dude just breath and keep it up. When your doing 10-12 hours a day 21 days in a row you will know true insanity. After that the rest is a cake walk!
  3. #3 Rainy Daze, Feb 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2014
    You got it pretty easy actually compared to some people. Your alarm goes off at 8? I'm at work by 6am. You work 40 hours a week? I work a minimum of 50 in the winter in the summer no less than 60. I don't mean to sound like a dick dude but that's just life I guess. You just have to learn to shut off your brain on your time off and only worry about work shjt on Monday morning to Friday afternoon. So I'll try to help you now haha. Pick up a hobby to do on the weekends something other than smoking or something that would be really entertaining when your high. Like mountain biking, working on the house, or fishing just to get your mind off things. I feel you man it is a grind learn to embrace it.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. Lot of silly threads today..
  5. Stop smoking bigger bowls. I think it's best to try to keep your tolerance low, because you won't always be trying to get higher and higher and stressing about whether you'll reach the same high you did before. Maybe take a break for a little bit and see how that makes you feel? Sometimes taking a little break relieves a lot of my stress.
  6. Wow man, just take a breath. Talk to me when you work 23 hours a day for 723 days straight, and your one free hour is spent swimming through a giant pool of feces which is also conveniently your lunch and dinner. Breakfast is rocks. Are you people serious? Dude comes on here obviously stressed out, hoping a forum of fellow stoners would do him the solid of some support and advice. I'm not sure what help one-upping him achieves, but so far it hasn't seemed very constructive to me. In all seriousness, I feel you man. I take study aids and go all in on my work and don't move until it's done. I love my lists and stick to them in robotic fashion to be as efficient as possible. But, like you, as soon as the work is done I get this feeling of anxiety. I can't seem to shift out of productive, overdrive mode. I feel anxious when I'm not actively progressing or checking things off my lists. It's almost hard to relax knowing there's things to be done the next day. I found solace in the lists themselves. When everything that needs to be done is written down and out of my brain, I can visually plan my day out. So instead of stressing cause I have looming work, I can see that it's all written down ready to be completed when the time for work arises. I literally schedule in "relaxation" helps my problem with feeling like I always gotta be checking things off. You can rest safe knowing that you're doing exactly what you've thoughtfully planned for that time period - relax. The single task that is currently being worked on is something for you. You like watching a show on TV? Make that a part of your plan. This may not work for you but for me it makes me feel like I'm still improving and doing something productive. Because contrary to out societal beliefs, doing for you is one of the most productive activities out there. So when I fall asleep, I check off that relaxation box. I know that I wasn't abusing my free time by missing out on getting ahead of something because it's all in the plans for tomorrow. This is just what worked for me. I just wanted to chime in that somebody is always gonna have it "tougher" than you in their opinion. This doesn't negate your feelings whatsoever. Society is always gonna scream at you that what you're doing isn't enough, isn't adequate, that you could be doing more and should be happy about your situation! In fact, I know you work your ass off. Try to draw a physical line between your work and relaxation. Do you change clothes when you get home from work? Maybe that could be your physical token of leaving work world and entering your personal world. Whatever works for you man. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. I know how you feel. I recently started taking Passion flower in various forms and it helps loads. You can get it at grocery markets and health food stores. Give it a try, it might help with your anxiety. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  8. I work 70-85 hours a week and i manage my shit without smoking weed, i will smoke maybe once every 2 weeks due to my unique living situation, in the past i used to have trouble managing highschool, getting off at 4 and working till 6, but i was also high ALL THE TIME that i wasnt working.
    Your solution is to smoke more, i would suggest smoking less. And yes, this is your life and it is ending one minute at a time, deal with it.
  9. Take a break being a slave gets to poeple...Sent from my SCH-R720 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  10. that made me laugh so hard lol
  11. TC, try meditating for at least 30 minutes. 
  12. I mean I was just venting but the dudes that come on here just to say some stupid shit amaze me. I'm just stressed and looking to cope through GC. I'm 18 fresh outta school so I'm still adjusting to this lifestyle. I work more hours than 2/3's of the whole grocery store. so I mean shun me for venting I guess lmao.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  13. Sounds like stress is killing you faster than life intends.

    Time for a new job or a vacation.

    Not even kidding. Been there, done that.

    Wishin you the best
  14. i'm sorry but what's silly is your avi. put some clothes on JB.
  15. Idk what could be so stressful about a grocery store I thought you had a real job. Makin sure you don't mix up the 2% milk with the skim gettin to you?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  16. I manage the meat/seafood.
  17. Work hard, play hard.
  18. [quote name="Dr. Sheldon Cooper" post="19461299" timestamp="1391481864"]Work hard, play hard.[/quote]And sleep when you're dead.. That's my motto Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  19. My clothes are on, I will take them off though if you please suck my cock.
  20. [​IMG]

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