Hey guys... so awhile ago i big time upgraded from a PC case to a dresser. In my dresser i have 2 T5 24w grow lights, and 2 26w CFL's. I have 'Madness' From World Of Seeds. Anyways... i see alot of plants are huge at the age of 2-3 weeks. mine is about 6 inches tall and growing everyday... All im really wondering is, why is mine so small? LOL i see others with one hps almost 6 feet away and their plants are 10x bigger than mine at this age. I have them in 6 gal pots, they are watered every 3-4 days or so. i have great air circulation... Whats goin on?
You may be watering way to much.It stunts growth bigtime.A 6 gal pot with a small plant shouldnt need watering for a week or more. Dont make the next mistake,and over feed.I see 5 threads a day asking what this is "random pic here",and the answer is almost always nutrient burn. In veg new growth will be very light green to an almost yellow when the plant needs to be fed.The plant tells you when to feed it.I used to try to feed as much as possible.It hurts you in the end.Also dont start out with the dosage the nutrient container may recommend.Some MJ cant take hardly any nutes before they burn.So start at 1/4 or atleast 1/2 recommened dosage.If you tryn a new strain. Last pick up your pot next time your messing with them feel the weight since they are prolly pretty wet right now.Then dont water again till you feel that its really light compared to before.Thats the best way to tell when your plants are thirsty.Also the leaves from the bottom up will start to sag,and or droop when it's dry.Thats ok though because MJ likes a little dry time as well. Hope this helps. GL
Ohh duh also... Just because a plant is big doesnt mean its great.Are they tall,and lanky?Those are crappy plants IMO.You want tight node spacing.A nice compact plant for the most part,and 6 inches at 2-3 weeks old isnt bad at all.Your T5 light is making you a nice compact plant.
Aight, thats reasureing. I usually do the one inch test befour i feed them. Ill start lifting the pots too... they are f**king heavy. xD