I cant believe it

Discussion in 'General' started by imalwayscold, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. #1 imalwayscold, Jan 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2014
    life just isn't fair.
    I don't know how to delete threads so I bet I will get in trouble,
    man, I wish I was still in Hawaii.

  2.  lmfao
  3. You got a warning. Making threads about such is also breaking the rules. You got banned from that other forum for breaking their rules too it would seem.

    I think your life would be easier if you followed the rules of places you choose to spend time, online or in real life.
    Im the only one that got in trouble. Not fair. insulting people to the point where they cry is different than bragging about your life.
    Awww...if only the internet was a fair and just place. LOL. Is this real life?
  6. Sorry op but I gotta agree with above posters.
  7. nice avi

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  8. Idc what you do and dont know or care about the situation. Im not a mod. I just know they happen to take making threads about warnings a little rougher than some other infractions. Possibly worth considering if you like these forums, it was only a warning anyway lol.

    You can have infinite warnings worth 0 points without a ban
    how do I delete it?
    I made the right choice by apologizing yet got in trouble. I don't have that many people in my life to talk to because I stopped doing drugs and they didn't. The internet is the only thing I have to vent and let out my emotions. I have a hard time trusting people irl.
    Thanks. I love having low self esteem and that comment just makes it worse. Why did you have to insult me?
    Can you tell me how to delete this thread?
  10. #11 zmasterflash, Jan 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2014
    Chick you gotta stop taking these words so serious number one, number two is you gotta have some self worth if you don't love you how can anyone else?
  11. #12 Shiva Blaster, Jan 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2014
    The truth.  Take a deep breath kid....if you throw a hissy fit every time someone on the internet tries to get you all riled up, you are in for a rough ride in life. 
  12. noooo way. i'm sorry the pic on my phone is small so i thought you were a dude, why i said nice avi. still rude but maybe less? probably not. my bad.

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    im trying to get back into cognitive behavior therapy but work has been busy and ive been traveling so ive been relying on facebook groups where I can talk to other bipolar people. the internet helps me deal with my life because sometimes I feel like im the only one. I feel so lonely when im not around people and often cry. I don't know why and it only lasts for a few hours and its hard to deal with. I spent one of my days in Hawaii, listening to music in my room - it was raining outside, and crying because I.. I don't know. I just woke up and looked in the mirror and hated what I saw.
  14. [quote name="nesw" post="19421147" timestamp="1390897508"]noooo way. i'm sorry the pic on my phone is small so i thought you were a dude, why i said nice avi. still rude but maybe less? probably not. my bad.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum[/quote] I am indeed a dude lol
    oh, I thought you were calling me ugly. I am a male, but I just have low self esteem. I don't handle compliments very well. however, you are very pretty yourself. thank you for saying that, it made me feel better.
  16. not you silly, OP.

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  17. #18 Shiva Blaster, Jan 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2014
    I'm a dude too.   Just kidding. 
    Sausage party! 
  18. [quote name="imalwayscold" post="19421150" timestamp="1390897548"]im trying to get back into cognitive behavior therapy but work has been busy and ive been traveling so ive been relying on facebook groups where I can talk to other bipolar people. the internet helps me deal with my life because sometimes I feel like im the only one. I feel so lonely when im not around people and often cry. I don't know why and it only lasts for a few hours and its hard to deal with. I spent one of my days in Hawaii, listening to music in my room - it was raining outside, and crying because I.. I don't know. I just woke up and looked in the mirror and hated what I saw.[/quote] I completely understand as my fiancé is bipolar. You have to just really look at yourself and say I am worth it I am me fuck all the haters and don't ever give up
  19. i'm a dude, shes a dude, hes a dude, we're all dudes now

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