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I can finally function normal when high.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ZnOT, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. I usually smoked and I wouldn't be able to do lots of things, now however I can function almost as sober.

    I can't feel the high a lot anymore but I still feel high.

    Oh, I'm high now by the way.

    Oooh and by the way, I think I got a cold and I was not feeling very good, my throat was hurting a bit, smoked just a bit and... Fuck now I'm perfect, I feel good and my throat doesn't hurt anymore.
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  2. That just means you've got used to being high lol I used to go to work blazed everyday my managers all knew but didnt care because I did the work:smoke:
  3. Welcome to the winners club!
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  4. The blessing and curse of a high tolerance
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Lol but I smoke once a week or so

    Though at Fridays party I smoked twice and I've smoked today.

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  6. But it's just the third time I smoke in the week haha, I usually just smoke once every week (sometimes even once every 2 weeks), I shouldn't be that tolerant.

    There was a week I smoked much more and developed tolerance but it was different.

    That time I needed a lot to get high

    Now I don't need a lot to get high but my high feels very controllable without anxiety attacks or panic attacks.

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