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I came up with a break through.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by chinoko, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Well I am 18, but my parents don't like me smoking in the house. Anyways I just sneaked in a couple of hits.
    I got 3 drinking straws and connected them with duct tape and exhaled through the straws, out the window. This is the best solution for all you "sneak-a-tokers"ahaaha.

    Worked perfectly. No smell . Nada.

    This just made my night.
  2. Ahaha! Nice dude lol It's perfect i have a hole in my screen! lol I think i'll grab starbucks straws... they're big lol
  3. I generally just smoke in my room, blow my hits out the screen window, then sleep with the window opened. No residual smell.
  4. or or you can get a vape the magic flight launch box is only 100 no smell at all

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