I bought this out of high impulse today..

Discussion in 'General' started by big_rudy101, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    All I know is.. I had $60. All I paid for what you see which includes..

    -5gal tank
    -5 brand new ornaments
    -2 zebra lookin fish
    -2 barb fish
    -and a bad ass puffer fish. yellow with black spots.
    -a brand new pump as the one that came with the tank didnt work
    -I used my old rocks.


    Gotta good deal, I did. ;):bolt:

    Im 18 years old. So.. I feel Im wise enough to take their lives into my hands. Still tryna name em.

    Gotta aquarium? :smoke:
  2. Nice man. I got the same tub as you. Wait no I threw it across my room the other day lol.

    Thats a good deal my friend!

  3. hahaha, and the guy working at the subway in the walmart I bought it from..

    We smoked him out on his break and in return he gave us free footlong subs! hahaha :hello:

  4. Dude thats fucking wonderful!
  5. 2 of these...

    2 of these..

    1 of these...

    I was with my friend when I bought them. We were both high.
    Instead of asking a somewhat offical employee, my friend hits up one of the half retarded stocking guys. This guy was something else. He goes.. "I haf nefer done it before but I could try" I go.. "Well then dude, should I get someone else who knows what the hell they are doing?" to which he says.. "No! no.. Ill do it. Because I work for the people of wal-mart". It took him 45 min to get those 5 fish. I wanted to scream. :mad:

    it was worth it though.

  6. I game him my debit card and he just swiped it upside down right in front of his boss! hahahahah :smoke:
  7. Pretty soon, that aquarium is going to reek of fish feces.
  8. Nahh, I have experience with tanks like this. I aint worried. :)
  9. That's a good employee

  10. Nahhh. you just... you had to be there.
    Words just cant do it justice. :rolleyes:
  11. Still lol'd when I reread it
  12. Nice I use to have one like that but now since my last fish died I use it to grow some unmentionables ;D.
  13. You spent 60 bucks on that? For two little ass fish?
  14. Nahhh

    For a whole lot more than 2 little ass fish.

    I gotta.. good discount on a lot of stuff. :bolt:

    Including the fish. ;) haha
  15. What would you name the tiki head dude in the center?

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