Ever since I saw the original videos of the Hamm Autobong on youtube, I've been obsessed (with both Hamm and the Autobong). The first time I went to OPM Glass in RI, I was amazed and ecstatic to find out that the Autobong actually has been living there for years. I didn't even think to ask if it was for sale, figuring it was just one of their many amazing display pieces. Yesterday I went back to OPM, and for sheer curiosity sake, asked if it was for sale... and I bet you all can figure out what their answer was I can't thank OPM enough for all their help. They literally locked the door and closed the shop for an hour just to teach me how it works and to pack it up without having any distractions. And if you haven't had a chance to see their store, take the time and do so, as they have the most amazing collection of heady glass I have ever seen in my life, ever. And they know what they're talking about! Anyway, here are a few quick pics and videos of it running. I want to give it a thorough cleaning before making more videos. Better Milk Vid: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7GHdRTlaQ4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7GHdRTlaQ4[/ame] Here is the christening of my new baby (I tried to let the pump's power blow the smoke into my lungs rather than pulling the smoke into my lungs. It took a little longer than I would like to passively clear, so next time I'm going to use a little lung power as well... But damn was this thing a smooth hit) : [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQguagM3jRk]YouTube - Hitting the Auto-Bong[/ame] Shot of it running: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EWO5hCZLFY]YouTube - My Auto-Bong by Hamm[/ame] Closeup while running: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRuiYb55I6w]YouTube - My Auto Bong by Hamm (closeup vid)[/ame]
You sir. Have one amazing piece of scientific equipment. So how much did that beast run you? And also, just to be the first to say this. I have no idea how the fuck that thing works >.>;
damn you scooped that! that things been sitting in the window ever since i first went to opm. congrats
OPM has some sick ass glass, I've always looked at the Autobong wondering if it was for sale. Even if it was, I wouldn't have had enough money haha. Nice pick up bro.
Thanks guys! I was able to get it down to $3,600 (which I think is a steal for this piece). I've spent at least 6 hours just staring at it, playing with water levels, turning it on and off... and I still only know 80% how it works, haha. This is the only one of this design in the world, though Hamm did make two other automated bongs (each a completely different, unique design) that are floating around somewhere. Just found this out first hand a few hours ago... it's an enormous mega-bitch to clean... but damn it's worth it. I am now using my current carbon filter solely for this piece, and am going to buy another one for all my others... I'd rather fuck Janet Reno than clean this thing again anytime soon, haha.
Nice piece man, get prepared to get flamed for spending $3,600 on a bong though... It shouldn't matter though, it's your money, do what you want with it! Glad you enjoy it man, I hope to have one in my collection someday...
Anyone who flames this dude is a jealous loser. Honestly, who flames people who have the money like that? (or at least the passion for glass collecting.) Flaming the OP would be like flaming Bill Gates for how he spends his money. "OMG who would spend all that money on a mansion!??, you should have got an apartment dood!" "YOU BOUGHT A FERRARI!? OMFG LOLOLOLOLOL. Shoulda bought a Geo Metro.....NEWB!"
I had no idea anything like that existed anywhere. Smoking weed gets more scientific everyday lol. cant wait to show my friends The placement of the hose intrigues me.. So the smoke skips those tornadoes of water?