I believe in the right to die.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by MariaJuana92, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. It's a really messed up world, If someones suffering horribly from an uncurable disease, or in such severe pain that they cannot function, who are we to keep prolonging their suffering?

    I'm glad some people understand this, and I feel that if you want to do something with your body, you should.
    People called Khevorkian (Think thats how his name is spelled) a murderer, but in his own way,he may have been closer to a saint, he stopped peoples suffering when no doctors could, they weren't in pain anymore.
  2. Exactly. Recently it seems like medicine is pushing long-term treatment instead of working on curing these diseases. Just trying to suck every penny they can out of the patient, they don't care if they suffer. Its horrible.
    Like others have said, no one has the right to tell me what's good for me, nor do I have the right to tell others whats good for them. I hope to live to see America go through a revolution of sorts. Things have to change....people need to realize true freedom.

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