I ask you GC, what is soooooo WRONG with leading a boring life?!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Tammm, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. #1 Tammm, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    I'm generally an all-around quiet person and this does notttttt help my situation at all, because I'm constantly given attention that's NOT necessary and put on the spotlight when I'm not even sure why or how to handle it.

    On toppp of that I just like to chill and I'm not very outgoing/friendly.
    So today when I was asking my school for work-study I was trippin' all over the place all over my WORDS! Ugh. I looked like a complete tool today and now I feel like shit.

    Does any of this even sound familiar to anyone? :confused:
  2. I semi understand a lot of my friends like to go out, where me I dont mind getting stoned and just watching a movie or something I only go out when I'm pussy hunting.
  3. #3 Tammm, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    Yeah lol, that's cool. I only go out if I feel like drinking/partying. Which happens..
  4. Maybe I'm just doomed.. and need to grow up..
  5. Lol, I was talking to my mom about this the other day.
    Because all my brothers are getting old, and somehow feel they've failed in life because they are single and etc.

    I just think its a shame that being a quiet, good hearted person isn't enough for society to deem your lifestyle acceptable.
    And I think as long as I'm happy and personally enjoy my life, that is how I should live it. Of course, as long as it doesn't negatively affect others lifestyles.
    I don't aspire to be anything special, and don't think I need to cure cancer to meet other peoples standards. Lack of motivation is what some call it, I call it being comfortable with what I have.

  6. right on

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