Smoking ganja has been a positive experience for me, and it's opened my mind and made me a freer, more thoughtful person, and I am thankful for that. It has granted me a clarity of focus and calm of mind that has allowed me to reflect more deeply on life than I was able to before. In many ways it has re-opened my mind to a world of spirit - not of spirits, ghosts, any of that. But of my own spirit, my own vitality. Spirit comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning breath, life, soul, all in one word. That's what it's helped me to rediscover. The astonishing fact of life. Lately I've been in a negative tailspin, perhaps because of stress, perhaps because of the weather, perhaps just because, but I just remembered how wonderful life can be and how wonder-full it really is. Peace.
I think we all are sharing your tailspin emotional state right now...I truly believe in a collective emotion, thought, mindset. I think we're all struggling right now, but maybe I just say that because myself, my peers, and my family relate. I am trying to find what you seem to have acquired...but I'm glad you did! If i can ask, what was it that really reeled things back in for you? What particular event / belief was the trigger?
lovely post, i'm glad you've come back to us from the brink its easy to get lost amongst the daily trials and tribulations of the human condition, you've already won half the know that life is beautiful, once you know this its just a matter of remembering it...not forgetting, what have you, glad the herb helps you re-align friend!
I remembered that all things change, nothing stays the same, and we are all one. [ame=""]YouTube- Siddhartha Stone Monologue[/ame]