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I am so stoned

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jton, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 Jton, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    I'm a new smoker, trying for his 4th time, and man, this is definetely the most high that I have ever been. I just went on this crazy mental journey, idk even lol it is amazing though because wow..idk:hello:

    How was your 4th high?

    EDIT (A day later, and when I'm sober):

    Haha, I realize that the "4th Time" is kindof ridiculous. I was stoned out of my mind...

    But hey, if you remember any early "high" stories, let us know!
  2. Umm.. compared to my first, not to good.
    My first, smoke purp, so that was unbeatable.
  3. dude i wish i could remember each and every toke i took back then, but luckily for me, i had good friends who would coax me to buy an eighth and have it all smoked in an hour( that was pretty hectic for me back then) so needless to say my first memories of toking arent exactly....clear...but im sure that one day i will smoke on sum really dank ass bud and i'll be right back to that 4th smoke, on my own mental journey
    and btw, get me stoned i havent smoked all day
  4. Gosh everything is fucking amazing. Look at my high typing and my sober typing. theres so much of a difference in stuff there.
  5. lolz i reamber my 3rd time smokeing i was out side with a friend and we where messed up after smokeing SD we ended up going into a friends house and on the stair way we looked at 1 another and like he's ganna call the cops and ran out lmfao :smoking: good times
  6. Other then saying "dude", "Man", and "shit" a lot, I don't notice any difference in typing. (besides I'm going to have to walk to the bank tomorrow cause I'm too fucked up to even find my car right now), but yeah, it's pretty much the same. :bongin:

  7. Hahaha I wouldn't notice atm:smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking:
  8. I'm fucking hungry and waiting for water to boil so I can make myself some of those shitty noodles. I forgot what they're called, but they're sealed in plastic.
  9. Yeah! That's it. Except I'm eating Pumpkin Pie w/ whip cream right now. :) It's good too. :)


    P.S. Is it normal to have intense CEV's when smoking?
  11. Wish I was a newbie. I miss the days when weed tripped me out. Now I use other goodies to get the job done :) :hippie:
  12. I don't know what that means, but I've polished off 2/3rds of a pie, and I'm still hungry. I'll probably finish off the rest of this fucker, and I just dropped in the noodles to get limp. and I'm still hungry. Shit man, I could eat a whole cow at this point.

  13. Maaan LSD is next up
  14. Good, you're already on a good path young padone. :smoking:
  15. 1. I just ate the rest of the pie. Still waiting on my shitty noodles.

    2. Before LSD, try Salvla 20x Standardised Extract first. You'll trip balls for 5m, and then be rapidly snapped back to reality, with a serious mind-fuck wondering if your really back on earth. Now consider your salvia experience. Do you want 10 hours of this?

    3. I gotta go watch my noodles now.
  16. dude Salvia and LSD have nothing in common....
  17. 1. No shit sherlock. but that's the closest I can relate it to. (ever been stuck in diagonal world, or cartoon world for what seemed like an enternety? (and it was fucking terrefying). Dude, I never want to to go back to those places. and yeah, feeling the gas station across the street was pretty cool, as was seeing my end table turn into thisi very complex machine with gears, pullies, ropes, and people running around in it, (I couldn't figure out what they were doing but it was pretty cool watching it). The time where my floor turned into liquid lava, (it was even boiling and shit) was terrefying, (I didn't want to step on the floor because I thought I might fall through it), but yeah. Salvia 20x sends me to the moon.

    How's this for a metephore? "Temporarily insane". Because that's precisely what I experienced. The most accurate description I could give is simply, "It isn't earth anymore". You are GONE for 3-5m, and take 20m trying to grasp what you just saw while convincing yourself that "Yes, I am back in reality now, *I think*, and I won't wake up and find myself somewhere else." 20x was the first dose I had. To say it was frightening is the understatment of the century. I was trying to claw my way out of diagonal world, but every time I touched what appeared to be a fast moving bar, I got this intense vibration feeling, so I backed away from it. I eventually timed the pattern so I could jump through. (it felt like hours), and when I finally burst through, I felt everything vibrating, but recognized my surroundings, so I went and sat in my chair at my computer to wait it out. Then I got hot, so I turned on the fan. (I think). Then I came to, and wondered if I was really back or not. Salvia is intense man. It's the strangest shit I've ever done. It made me go :eek::eek:

    2. I finished my noodles, and now I'm still hungry, but satisfied enough not to eat anymore.

  18. Lol thats awsome man. I remember the first time I got really high. It was crazy.
  19. my first high was the best, about 6-9 bowls of schwag between two people, then the last 3 were between 3 people, a homie showed up out of the blue banging on door, thought it was the pigs

    second best was after i was on probation for 6 months, 3-4 bowls of mids and i was high, then my older bro walked into the dealers house i was smoking at, and he did not know i smoked but now he does xd

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