i am so fucking pissed.

Discussion in 'General' started by darksmoker, May 10, 2011.

  1. i just came back from my friends house....i had to get the hell away from those people. i just learned that my friends and i are extremely fucking different. here is some backstory....

    i live in arkansas, kinda in the middle of nowhere. these redneck friends of mine i hang out with all the time, it's always the same people. me, andrew, justin, casey and chris...they have like 5 dogs that live outside and fend for themselves for food and barely get water. they reproduce and make puppies that the fam doesn't want and can't feed. [i took one of th puppies to save it]

    and just today, one of the puppies that THEIR neighbor gave my friends a few months ago, died. yeah, little momo barely 6 months old. andrew told me when i went over today to stay away from sam [their inside dog], cause he was hurt bad from something. and to stay away from momo, cause he's "sick". i ask him what he means by sick.

    andrew said momo had been dry heaving and puking up blood and then just started laying around all day. about 20 mins after that and at the start of jackass 3, his mom calls and says "bury momo". i'm like wtf are you kidding me? i looked at momo when i came in and saw him laying helplessly in a corner. i thought to myself, "wow, is he dead? he sure looks it...but i'm not going to say anything, cause that's fucked up."

    andrew, casey and me went over to him and he was dead. the little puppy. he was so fucking cute too, he always wanted to play and he was so shaggy and little. like a mop. andrew picked him up and his body was extremely limp. so he just put him on top of the washing machine for his parents. then he continued jackass 3 and started laughing and talking about it, and that got me really fucking mad, so i just left.

    why the hell didnt they take a dry heeving blood puking puppy to their vet? why did they take the pup if they can;t even afford it? seriously...i don't know if i need anger management or what. would this piss you off?
  2. No offense dude, but your friend's sound like class A douchebag ass clowns. I woulda punched them out. That's fucked.
  3. You're friend was probably too busy attempting to rape his sister. Damn rednecks haha
  4. Sounds like a great reason to be angry. That's sick though, why would they even have the pup in the first place if they couldn't take care of it? :confused:

  5. nah bro, i agree fucking completely. thats why i left. i *REALLY* dont think ill be going over there much at all anymore.

    youre probably fucking right.
  6. I hate the south. That's all there is to it. You should move somewhere near people you can relate to.

  7. exactly. some people sicken me.
  8. don't ever think that you can't ditch all of your current friends and make new ones down the road...

  9. definitely ready to. i moved here in january from new york city [manhattan]. and ive been missing it so much, but now i need to get the fuck out of this state before i go crazy.
  10. That is very fucked up. But try to let go of that anger, as all it does is negatively effect you.
  11. man it was right after i smoked a bowl of my bubba kush with them too. what a fucking waste of kush, that was such a buzzkill i'm completely fucking sober.
  12. The fuck? What kind of psycho can let innocent life suffer and die like that?

    I would have snapped to be honest, I don't give a fuck about human life, but when you're dealing with something innocent and precious like a puppy, it's different.

  13. exactly...humans are smart enough to understand what's happening, but puppies and animals are so innocent and don't know why their owners aren't feeding them, aren't giving them water when its fucking 93 out, why they arent helping them when they are puking up blood...
  14. Tbh, this may seem like a 'bitch move' but I'd call the humane society and complain. The least they could do is surrender their animals into a place that can afford to feed and take care of them.
  15. I value my friendships and wouldnt be the first person to just drop friends. You can always try and be a positive influence in their lives, but gotta remember that sometimes.

    George Washington

  16. Yea I agree. Report them to ASPCA or something. I am pretty sure that would be considered animal abuse.
  17. You can call your local animal control and see if they will pick the remaining dogs up. If they arent taking care of them either then they should be taken way.You are completely right to be pissed,poor puppy :(
  18. i was thinking about it, but this place is a fuck up. the parents are both felons, they are growing weed in their house [good weed though], they give their 16 year old kid weed and pills [like xannies] daily, buy them alcohol, smoke weed constantly, and their house is nasty as shit. it smells like smoke, sweat, mold and ass. there are fleas and ticks and other bugs everywhere. one time i was sitting on the couch, dropped a cigarette inbetween 2 cushions, lifted it up and saw like 7 bugs down there crawling around. justin then said "oh, thats normal dont worry about it". these people would be locked up and the 16 yeat old kid and 10 year old sister wouldnt have parets.

    oh, and one of their dogs has a broken leg. they ran over it and they still leave it outside, with it broken. another of their dogs has something seriously wrong, mange or something idk...it's losing tons of fur and has large open sores and scabs all over his body. then the inside dog is hurt bad they said...they have 2 more puppies outside fenced in in the back yard. hope theyll be ok. those 2 puppies are my dog's siblings...
  19. I hope your friend's never have children.

    It fathoms me how humans can be so ignorant and uncaring about another living thing. It's utterly discusting and makes me sick to my stomach.
  20. I'm not trying to say that you should take a baseball bat to their cars at 2 in the morning, but you should take a baseball bat to their cars at 2 in the morning.

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