I am not a hippie

Discussion in 'General' started by Buzzwell420, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. I may smoke

    do yoga
    and try and eat healthy


    i am not a hippie

    I am a soldier

    i appreciate hard work.
    I love technology and creatures comforts

    and I am here to fight this war
    for you, and you and you.

    Peace yall
  2. can i be the hippie then
  3. Fucking dirty pennniless hippies
  4. both are gay


  6. I got your heady crystals; gemstones and minerals y'all
  7. I wanna do yoga. And I'm also a soldier/warrior. Not for the US but for myself.
  8. Ya bro bro bro bro

    Lemme tell you bro


    So homosexual
  9. It's kinda disgusting how hateful this thread is towards "hippies" & how it makes it out to be a label.

    Hippies are probably the hardest subculture to generalize. Not all are vegetarians, they don't all have dreads, they don't all smoke pot, lots of them do shower etc.. It's not about how you dress, the music you listen to, or anything like that. It's what's in the soul.

    Oh, and using terms for homosexuals as insults is ignorant and fucking rude. Show some respect for the people you share this earth with
  10. What war?
  11. Haha I'm sorry, it's hard to get tone across. I was trying to sound like the opposite of a hippy. I can relate to the hippie stereotype more than any other really. I agree completely, I don't think I've ever actually called anyone gay or a fag. No disrespect intended.

  12. War on abstinence.

  13. I'm not a Hippie either, and I don't give a shit who you are, what you do, or whether or not you get killed fighting your goddamned war.
  14. I'm a hippie.

    Bro. :cool:
  15. Peace my brothers and sisters!
  16. WTF is a modern hippie that you kids talk about?

    I'm 62 and well remember my generation's hippies (although I was never one) and I don't see anything remotely close to that around today -- excluding the rare leftovers around my age that never left it.

  17. lol Some watered down non-sense, I'm sure.

    I always enjoy Buzzwell's threads but what in the world are these people going on about?
  18. i'm basically just a stallion/adonis, and i do yoga everyday, sometimes i levitate when nobody is watching just for fun...
  19. ^This. I like you, couldnt agree more.
  20. make love, not war

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