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I am indecisive

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by wizkhalifa1, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Here is my dilemma. I can get either a full OZ of some weed that gets me pretty yoasted after a couple bowls but tastes like shit OR an 1/8th of Dank for $50. I can make about 15 batches of my world famous weed tea that will fuck me up 15 times. OR conversely I can get the 3.5g's and smoke .4 bowls at a time which is roughly 8-10 seshes. I know the high is a lot better from dank but I'm not sure if I should get dank when I can get just as yoasted from the edible. Please give me your candid opinon. :smoke:

    And please DON'T be a weed snob and say "All I smoke is dank, fuck everything else." Trust me, make my tea, you will be uncomfortably baked (in a good way).
  2. All i smoke is dank, fuck everything else.

  3. I'd go for the dank, but that's because I can conserve weed. A lot of people cant
  4. Yeah thid would be a tough dicision for me too hahah I can't conserve weed, I go through a quarter a week but I love dank just as much as the next guy.... I get a super high from dank but then again it would only last me a few days where as the OZ will last a month or more! Even though it's not as good of a high it's still good ol' Mary Jane, so I would take the OZ over the dank i think just because I'd rather be high for a month then really high for only 3 days:smoke:
  5. Get 1/8 of dank and just conserve it. I can make 1/8 of some dank last like 8-9 days when I conserve because I can smoke .2-.3g bowls per sesh 2-3 times a day.
  6. I'd go for the oz. Like you said, you can still get "pretty yoasted" from smoking a couple bowls of the bad weed, so you can make edibles as well as smoke here and there when you want to. Idk, I just hate "conserving" weed because I always feel as if I haven't smoked as much as I wanted.
  7. Wow, what an unproductive, smart ass response to an honest question. Grow up.

    OP: From what you're saying it sounds like the regs would be a better investment.
  8. I'd go for the dank, only cuz I've been burning nothing but mids for almost 2 months now. :mad:
  9. haha..yoasted.
  10. what kinda bud did you have last pickup? ide suggest the opposite :D or you can just get the regs and go nuts on the tea

  11. I laid out my conservation plan and I would only have 8-10 seshes of dank vs 15 edible "seshes"

    I'm going to buy the oz. As much as I love top shelf meds, it is more cost effective to buy reggie.

    Perhaps instead of 2gs of 10/g mids you invest in 1g of 20/g dank? Just a though..I hope me saying this doesn't get my thread jacked
  12. I have been smoking daily since june or so, this last 1/8th I bought of some headband lasted me a good two weeks. I have been conserving quite well if you ask myself though. I got one bowl left, so yeap.
  13. Last pickup was an 1/8 of an unknown dank
  14. mids if its like 100 for the Oz otherwise the dank.
  15. Always buy the dank. I don't care if I have to smoke less, the quality of the smoke, taste, and high is so worth it. Fuck that headachy mid high.
  16. I highly doubt he was trying to sound like a smart ass. All he was trying to say was he likes dank because he can get lit off a small amount when others like to smoke smoke smoke it all up.
  17. I'd buy the oz. and make the edibles as you say, but i'd grind it all first and smoke the kief which will get you fucked up.

  18. Dude I've been buying from this underground street corner, saw em get raided on the last time I went to pick up. If I didn't stop for gas I would've been right in the middle of it :eek:

  19. ??? I'm confused, what's so smart ass about it
  20. Damn dude thats sketchy

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