I am high as tits.

Discussion in 'General' started by Danceswithjuub, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. I personally hate these kinds of threads, but

    I am so baked. :rolleyes:

    So, so baked.
  2. Right there with you buddy ;) :wave:
  3. I've just arrived. And I love it. We're all in the same boat boys.
  4. My girlfriend is in the process of loading me a gravity hit, I'm already stoned but fuck it, this bud is some true kill mad I can't resist it's sweet funk.
  5. Im about half way there
  6. Damn you guys... I have to work today so can only do a small amount. I can't wait to get off work and join you guys in the HAF group
  7. gonna take a break until monday haha. thats when my new headphones come

    definitely gonna get baked as fuck then tho haha
  8. I am sober as arm pits. Gotta go back to work..
  9. Other way around for me, She sits back watchin TV and netflix and playin wii and shit while I'm working online, and frequently having to pack and pull her gravs. I don't mind, haha she packs em sooo gnarly sometimes anyways....

    Oh and I too am real nice and high, or I wouldn't have wasted ya'lls time with that pointless story.:smoke:
  10. about to get a bit more high and about to blow a couple thousand dollars at mcdonalds

    I don't eat fast food often because it's unhealthy, but when I do I usually spend almost $10 just on me LOL

    it's a wonder how I'm not obese

    i'm with you too. just ended a t-break.

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