I am a sucker for white glass, new bong pickup

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by sixer, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I went to a local headshop today cause i ran out of rolling papers and was in the mood for a spliff, but to my surprise a bong caught my eye. I am not too sure of the actual brand who makes it, but it is just labeled "OG". I had no knowledge to the company or who makes it, and i was ripped and didn't bother to ask. It was in the same case with some biohazard tubes if i recall correctly, and upon looking online for a similar bong, the only brand i could find with a similar style of stemless was biohazard.

    Due to not knowing anything about the brand, i made sure to inspect it very closely before the purchase. the glass felt heavy and sturdy. it also had a rock solid GonG seal and the outer downstem or whatever they are called on a stemless feels very secure and thick. I had never seen this "twist" style of diffusion, but after trying it out it is rather smooth. im sure its not the most effective or smooth style of diffusion by any means, but i am very happy with the hit it produces and will probably keep this as my daily driver rather than my perced bongs simply due to the ease of filling it up/emptying out the water with ash, and ease of cleaning(yeah, i can be lazy at times, lol)

    IF anyone has info on who actually makes the bong, that would be sweet to know, but its not a huge concern as i am happy with it. I am just a sucker for white glass and have a new sherlock being blown for me at the moment with the main parts being in white glass, so i really wasn't planning on buying a new bong at the moment. But, i couldn't pass it up.

    ITs about 18" or so tall with an 18mm joint and 5mm thick glass. I paid $140 for it, and it was originally marked at $210. i don't think i would have paid 210 for it, but i found $140 to be very reasonable for a stemless bong with the white glass being used, and i am happy with my purchase even if some believe i overpaid. I feel it gives it a nice classy look(the white glass)

    Anyways, sorry about the long post, im just excited and really high. cause of the name og i had to break it in with some skywalker og kush. followed by some herijuana og :D:D

    here are some pictures of it, let me know what you guys think of it and for the price i paid:D

    sorry for the low quality pictures, snapped them with my phone cause i have no idea where i put my camera :confused: and i don't want to wake up my girlfriend to ask her where her camera is

    Attached Files:

  2. damn nice tube. i. too, am a big sucker for white glass...anytime i visit my LHS (usuallly once every 2 weeks), i always ask if they have new white pieces haha. i actually just bought gandalf style pipe that is all white, with the 3 rasta stripes running from the bowl up to the mouth piece...gotta get pictures up soon.

    enjoy the piece, looks beautiful:smoking:
  3. It's a decent looking tube.I would suggest getting a ashcatcher and high air flow slide.I believe that is a natural perc bong(no diffusion).I can't really tell from the pics but I think the twist at the bottom is a ice catcher but I could be wrong cuz I havent see that before.

  4. i was confused too cause i had never seen anything like this style but the guy working said it acted similar to a diffuser by splitting it into a few sections rather than just a twist in the outside of the glass

    here is a better close up picture of how it looks. this picture is not my bong but a biohazard one with the exact same bottom set up. any ideas what it is?

    thanks for the kind words about it too :D
  5. #5 Whohulkwalk, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Your welcome dude.

    After seeing that bio pic I believe it does diffuse slightly.But I think the main purpose of it is catching ice.

    Why don't you post a milkvid?
  6. That looks like a nice OG stemless. I have one too but not that design. You can feel good about your purchase. They have a shop in Hollywood and were super friendly when i met that crew. Got a sesh in with them and they repaired one of my broken tubes.
  7. lovin the white stemless.

    milk pics?:smoke:
  8. very classy
  9. Looks good man I haven't seen too many like That.

    Nice purchase :smoke:
  10. nice clean look about it:bongin:
  11. I believe OG is a sub-faction of TcT (Tourture Chamber Tubes) but I only remember someone whom I don't remember saying it in a conversation long ago one blazen day.
  12. Gangstronic.
  13. Yeah I think those twists are for an icecatcher too. However those twists definitely break up the smoke and diffuse it a bit good deal for a nice stemless bong.
  14. Looks good man, I also just picked up a stemless tube for $140 and love my purchase. Although I can't say mine has the sexy white like yours ;)
  15. i too am a sucker for some sexy white glass or white n black yuuuuummmm
  16. Nice pickup man and herijuana to boot? You've got one helluva good day(s) ahead of you...
  17. Bubble vid and milkshot :D ? Nice pickup!
  18. thanks for the kind words. i am out of town for the next couple days and will get a milk video up when im back home:smoke:
  19. Sick tube, and well worth the amount paid.

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