I <3 four lokos!

Discussion in 'General' started by Mstrmatthew, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. whoever says they give you hangovers is either a liar or a pussy, ive NEVER gotten a hangover because of them.

    one night i had 3 four lokos, and then before i left i beer bonged 2 more full ones (totally 5, and that doesn't include the shots of hard alcohol i took). started on my walk home, never made it home. police woke me up in front of my elementary school because the paper boy called the police thinking i was dead.

    no ticket, no problem!
  2. Everyone needs to stop hating on four lokos. As a college student, I can't say I have ever had a more cost effective drink. I can get straight retarded on 3 cans and thats only about $10 deep.

    The news article you found Keifer Suthrlnd is fucked up. Tourting anyone to drink 10 four lokos is rediculous. However, even if four lokos had never been created I am sure the latin kings would have found something equally as painful and tortuous.

    The "blackout in a can" motto is correct. On the few nights a month that I'm looking to blackout, I almost always look for four lokos.

    It is stupid how the public overreacts to what is happening at these parties (CWU). Regardless of four lokos being present, you almost always see college kids so fucked up that they can't walk. Hospital trips are frequent for the freshman crowd that thinks they're big. What I dislike about all this propaganda against four lokos is that the politicians act like being in college has changed because of four lokos. Nothing has changed from then till now when it comes to partying. Just as many kids were blacking out then as they are now. Its just cheaper in the 21st century (hell ya mothafuckas).

    In all honesty, I am kind of pissed I did not invest in Phusion Projects. I do not even know if they are a public company, but I could have made some bank! Now back to hitting my l :smoke:
  3. ill stick with my Eye of the hawk 8% alcohol, tastes delicious


    Or Simpler times, 6 pack is 2.50$ at trader joes, and is damn good for a lager

  4. O_O the rapid heartbeat increase happened to me the morning after to its all that caffeine!
  5. I had a sip of the lemon flavored one. Tasted like shit. Really sweet shit.
  6. i put the article up cuz everyone at work today was like ever drink a 4 loko?? it was on the news blah blah blah. Hell yea i have... been drinkin them for two years now. A loko or two is perfect b4 a night downtown.

    almost at the point where im gonna stop drinking them tho. after a couple swigs and a blunt you can already feel your heart pounding.
  7. get that shit off our streets man. Nobody should be drinkin that poison
  8. A 40 of olde english is cheaper and tastes way better in my opinion
  9. Moonshine my friend. i think it costs like 10cents a bottle home made. 90%

    i get it from some farmers out of town for 10$ 40oz.
  10. Four Lokos make your stomach bleed, show up as cocaine on a drug test, and get you so fucked up to the point you dont remember shit.

    Still, they are pretty good and I like them. Fruit Punch is my favorite.

  11. References?
  12. We don't have four loko or joose in Canada (not that I've found anyways) but I've heard alot of talk about wanting to ban it because people seem to be very prone to alcohol poisoning and blacking out from it.... I don't really agree with that cause a bottle of jack can get you black out drunk and sick as a dog all the same but...:confused_2:
  13. 4 lokos taste better than joose, in my opinion. They're a great way to loosen you up real quick, and I've never gotten a hangover from them.
  14. I've never gotten a hangover from them but they do make me puke...which NEVER happens to me. Not to mention the fact that they taste like ASS. Ugh! Disgusting ass shit. Do yourself a favor and buy real alcohol lol.
  15. Doesn't cause a hangover? Yeah....cheap alcohol mixed with energy drink concoctions always feels good in a few hours. :rolleyes: I do get that some people may be the exception, but it's a recipe for disaster for many.

    Most cost effective? You can get a cheap 1L of 80 proof shit for under 10 bucks. Around 30 drinks beats the hell out of 3 24s, even at 12% or whatever.

    If you dig fourloko I can't hate, we all got our choices. Enjoy your drinks indeed. Just don't claim superiority over other drinks.
  16. Aren't they trying to ban it since so many people are getting sick from drinking it like idiots?
  17. What doesnt make sense is why would they ban four lokos and not alchohol??

    Cant you go crazy drinking budweiser and all that other shit? I mean i dont get it lol.

    Ive never had four lokos, i guess ill have to give it a try.

  18. My guess is the combo of obviously younger targeted market, mixed with the high energy drunk could lead to problems.

    I don't agree, I just get that sorta.
  19. i hate energy drink/alcohol shit. i got drunk on 4 lokos once and at the end of the night i was just lying in bed, basically panting from all the sugar i consumed. woke up feeling like my own pancreas raped me
  20. It's been brought up a few times but you guys are missing the nastiest of all cheap liquor. Come on now who's ridden the Night Train?

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