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Hypothesis: while high, people are more likely to accidentally try to use old passwords

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by LostBegonia, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. just checked my bank account while high and I accidentally typed in an old password initially. As usual, I typed in my password almost automatically without thinking much. I wonder if, while people are high, they are more likely to make this mistake. I wonder how we would put together a scientific study to test this
  2. Seems rather pointless.
  3. I think it'd be interesting to know the answer but also not worth the effort to test
  4. Seems as though pondering pointless things only seems to perpetuate ones own stagnancy.
  5. Just imagine. Four different groups. They're given passwords to use for a month, then two of the groups are given new passwords for a month, then half the people who changes passwords get stoned and half who didn't change passwords get stoned, and we see how many type in the old passwords when prompted

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