Hypocrite Bill O'Reilly

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Graphic, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Skip to 1:40. 16 year old kid owns Bill O'Reilly.
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beJ9yJpR_DA&feature=related]YouTube - Bill O'Reilly Gets Owned By Kid[/ame]
  2. From boulder too. What a stoner. :D
  3. "I have read it Bill"

    (edit: lol, its even funnier for me because i'm sitting here watching o reily with my dad. i hate this fucker, this made me feel better.
  4. When he doesn't agree with someone, he just interrupts them and calls them a pinhead.

    How does this guy have a show again?
  5. LOL @ 'lost a lot of great friends from LSD'

    Get real.
  6. That kid was better composed than most of his guests.
  7. Goddamn just let me stick Bill in the face. God please. PLEASE.
  8. #8 KingTut, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    My step-mom's friend started tripping so hard dude thinks he's in the Matrix, srsly he's in an Institute and everything. I'm pretty sure that's what he meant, friends who just took to much and "lost" their minds.
  9. I knew a few Andrew Wishners in highschool.. oh jesus

    that kid...
  10. strangely enough I can think of a guy i know who is there/almost there/getting there
  11. He love you looooooong time.

  12. haha. i was gonna say something like that
  13. clap clap clap

    hahah viva the youth
  14. they should give him a tv show :p

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