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Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Twist3d, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Hi, so, my mom suffers from high blood pressure, caused by emotional problems (stress, anxiety, etc...) The doctor prescribed some medicine for that PLUS anxiolytics...

    Cannabis would take some negative or positive effects if she uses it?

  2. #2 garrison68, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    I'd be very careful with combining it with BP meds, it might bring it down too much.
  3. I agree, I take atenolol 150 mg, clonidine 15 mg, amlodipine 10 mg and losartan 100 mg every day and last summer I didnt have the portion of them that I take for the second half of the day and did some good weed in a cafe and it managed to keep me straight until I could get back to the hotel that evening. We experimented later that weekend and discovered that it would keep my unmedicated 200/190 ish down around 160/80 ish. Not the perfect 130/60, but low enough that I would have to worry about blowing out my brains immediately. [200/190 they immediately admit you when you walk into the ER ... it is very not good.]

    When medical weed is available in CT, I plan on sitting down with my doc and working on a combination of pain control and BP control. Titrating down the BP meds is a pain in the ass. It took my cardiologist almost 4 months to find the perfect cocktail to get me steady. Until then, I am very careful to be a thorough lightweight.

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