with this system here are the pots filled completly with the clay pebbles or is there a basket that only goes so far down allowing the roots to grow freely?? ( complete hydro virgin)lol does anyone know of a good hydro video which explains everything.
yes the buckets are completly filled with hydroton pellets then there is a rockwool cube you put in the middle top and place ur seedling or seed in. stealthhydroponics.com has a decent video
thanks rhino, have you heard of [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-CM2-lk1Q0"]this[/ame] method ??
That stuff may work I'm sure it might hahha (sure it might oxy moron ) any hoo there is a such thing as holding too much water then u get root rot b/c the roots r over saturated. Anther thing is that Rockwool which is tried and true is made of rocks as well as fibers It looks like a flood drain system but they just traded there grow medium for hydrton and rockwool. Hell ya if you want to be on the fore front of hydroponics I applaud you!! There is no evolution without experimentation. Props to you! I found my nitch, but i am willing to try something new if it looks conducive.
im gonna stick with the tried and tested rockwool and clay pebbles what do you think of the hydro set up???