I have yet to recieve my violater cush, I was curious if I would germinate a hydroponic seed the same way that I would a seed ment for the soil? Thanks all.
What method of germination are you referring to? There are many ways to germinate when using soil and hydro.
I just need to know an easy way to start from seed then transferring it to rockwool. So I can use it in my hydro machine. Thanks for the reply.
That is what I was thinking. Is it best to leave it in a plastic container that is sealed? My other question is once a sprout starts do I then keep it in the plastic container after I place the seed into rockwool and still keep it covered but place it under a low cfl light? Thanks again all.
youll want to have it in a warm dark place while germing. i personally never covered my seedlings. once placed in rockwool id put em under a lil light and just let nature take its course. gl
Ahh thank you very much idealy the room should be at 80 degrees? Thanks again for all of your help. How wet do you want the rockwool after you place the seedling into it? Thanks again dsc1989
I always drop them into a cup of water for about 24 hours, then move them to a paper towel, then move them into the rock wool. Has worked so far, so I must be doing something right LMFAO.