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Hydpgen peroxode and salt to clean pieces

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RVD420RVD, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. Could I use Hydrogen peroxide, no iso at the moment

    Edit: damn typos haha
  2. No lol, there two completely different substances. Hydrogen peroxide won't clean shit :smoke:
  3. 90 percent isopropyl alcohol, salt, plastic bag.
    (Nail polish remover can be substituted for isopropyl)

    - Submerge your shit in alcohol in the bag
    - add like 2 tbsp of salt
    - shake bag how you dont shake a child for like 2 min (leave air in bag)
    - your shits clean

    -if that shit aint clean, let the mixture soak in the bag then shake some more later.

    hope that helps, im high as fuck right now.
  4. Put it in the dishwasher and see what happens lol
  5. nail polish remover works crazy good
  6. Use boiling water + soap + salt. :D

    Damn I'm beginning to type like a fuckin' programmer, putting spaces and shit between words and commands :smoking:
  7. Don't boil your glass piece. Only do that if you want to fuck it up.
  8. I've boiled like 5 different pieces, it does no harm

  9. Glass has a melting temp way over 100˚C. Your argument is invalid :smoke:

  10. In a chemistry perspective, the H2O2 will turn the C (the tar is mostly carbon :D) into H2O :hello:
  11. Not sure how H202 would work...

    Try it and come back with your results!!

  12. has acetone in it. You dont want to smoke that.
    I've used hydrogen peroxide before. I had to soak the piece for like 12 hours so its not really worth it, but it will clean your piece.
  13. [quote name='"TheDankDude"']
    has acetone in it. You dont want to smoke that.
    I've used hydrogen peroxide before. I had to soak the piece for like 12 hours so its not really worth it, but it will clean your piece.[/quote]

    You don't smoke it, its called washing it out
  14. Be careful when boiling. YOU CAN BREAK YOUR PIECES.
  15. Go to your nearest drug store and get a bottle of rubbing alcohol then use it with salt to clean your piece
  16. That's alchemy right there...
  17. [quote name='"TheDankDude"']
    has acetone in it. You dont want to smoke that.
    I've used hydrogen peroxide before. I had to soak the piece for like 12 hours so its not really worth it, but it will clean your piece.[/quote]

    Lol I don't use nail polish remover then just hit the bong right away I rinse it out multiple times with soap water and vinager

  18. I was highly medicated when I said that don't judge me :wave:
  19. Haha just getting your goat

    Chemistry dorks just gonna hate, I guess lol

  20. No hate I was just having a highdea XD I smoked more than I usually do so I convinced myself the tar was carbon :D

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