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hw much do you smoke /sesh

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by -aCe-, May 15, 2011.

  1. title.

    alone, usually .5 max of dank
    friends, usually a gram to self
  2. .3 - .4 outta a vape.
  3. I'll smoke continuously for a few hours taking a few hits every 15 min or so, in that time I'll go through probly about 1-2 grams. ( ISMOKESWAG)
  4. alone... like 2+aday
  5. If im alone i usually just chill on my couch and smoke a few bowls throughout a movie or something. With my friends I tend to smoke more, i really don't know why, maybe to make myself look like a better stoner.

    Per sesh I usually smoke a gram to myself.
  6. A third or half a joint, every time.
  7. Hmm... I'm good on one or two hits, sometimes three from my bong... I'm still trying to be able to control my tolerance level... any pointers?
  8. Doesn't matter if I'm with friends or not.
    Usually one bowl from my bong, two if I'm feeling like a beast with iron lungs. :D
  9. Maybe like .3 of dank get like 10 hits in my bowls
  10. #10 Codee, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Haha. I smoke 5-6 bowls out of my bong.

    Trust me you can't feel a mother fucking thing.
  11. i probly smoke almost a gram everyday
  12. #12 Braddock, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Time for a t-break bro..
    I mean, I'm still fairly new/newbish but I'd never let myself pass 3-4 bowls to get high... That's too much wasted weed lol
  13. It depends entirely on what I have to do that day, or what mood I'm in, etc. It could range anywhere from .2g to a quarter in a sesh.
  14. Ehhh, it depends for me. There have been times like spring break this yeah I went down to Orlando to visit a friend and we ended up smoking about 10 grams in 2 days with him and his friends. But usually myself like .25-.4 g and with others like .5-1.0 g. It is chronic 100% of the time unless I didn't pay for it in which case I will smoke whatever
  15. #15 Codee, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I know I'm not smoking for about 2-3 months. I started it right after 4/20.
  16. #16 Braddock, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    there we go,
  17. I smoke about .3 grams 1-2 times a day. About a gram per weekend day,
  18. #18 Codee, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Thanks man

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