HVY Shattered :(

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Chezowan, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. So two weeks ago, right after Christmas I decided to treat it with an HVY Glass 8- arm perc verrry thick tube with an inline 9-hole difusing ashcatcher all for around $400. Well today I went back to school and decided to clean it... it shattered in my shower when I was giving it one last rinse.

    So now I'm on the lookout for a new tube... The ashcatcher, downstem, and bowl weren't involved in the accident. I'm looking for either 1 or 2 stacks of 8-armed percolators in the price range of $300-$400. Any good recommendations?
  2. #2 Iwubbongs, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    Luke Wilson Inline Double Perc. You can probably find it on alt. It one of the nicest pieces you can get at that price range. Its not worked though.

    Edit: And my condolences on that HVY, bath tubs and sinks and infamous murderers that can never be trusted.
  3. That sounds pretty good I'll have to check it out. I saw some nice Lux bongs, I guess they are made by the same company as RooR?
  4. I'm sorry to hear that man, my rule with cleaning glass is only in metal sinks. I've broken tons of glass because of hard rounded marble sinks. I've dropped tubes, bowls, bubblers etc. in my square metal kitchen sink none of them ever broke they always just bounce and then sit there.

    I would definitely look into Luke Wilson he's an amazing glass blower.
  5. +1 on luke wilson fixed stem inline double perc. Under $350 and comes with a disc diffy slide which everyone should have anyway.
  6. Im sorry to hear :(

    With that price range, you will be able to find a lot of really great glass...
  7. Yeah a Lux would be good, but in that range luke wilson would be the best. Sorry about the HVY, sucks when good glass breaks.
    Anyway I pmed you some i think youd be interested in
  8. Also I'd prefer a beaker style bong rather than an inline. I like the way they look and hold up (unlike this one) much better
  9. WS beaker would be legit then. check on aqua, or an illy too
  10. He means Wicked Sands, not Weed Star! And yes, you can find really nice Wicked Sands on ALT for your prices range, you can also check ZOB, they had a horrible reputation, but lately lots of good words were spoken about them.

    By the way, I've not heard a single bad thing about the LW inline, no drag at all. you should read about them before you decide.

  11. US Tubes 9mm beaker. Try bfg if you have the password.

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