hungry while high

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by motorkylexy, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. i get sooooo hungry when im baked like sooo hungry and end up eating a shit-ton of food.
  2. Welcome to the munchies...
  3. Probably why they call it the munchies
  4. Happens to the best of us my friend.
  5. i end up eating like 50$ worth or chinese food or something...
  6. Hmmm, either your 12 or your just really to smoking
  7. and tonights award goes too... CAPTAIN OBVIOUS come on down.
  8. This me when high
    I turn black for some reason too
  9. Damn there must be something terribly wrong with you. You should check with a doctor.
  10. Marijuana has been known to increase appetite after smokeing it. What do you normally do when your hungry? eat? Eating is normal.
  11. [ame=]Oh my god we ate the whole brownie mountain - YouTube[/ame]
  12. Who isn't?


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