Hungry? Free Taco

Discussion in 'General' started by Royksopp, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Saw this on my fb:

    SmartSource Printable Grocery Coupon

    Free crunchy taco from Taco Bell. If you don't give a fuck that their beef is like 30% real or w/e then go and print a few of those and get food. I know a bunch of you are high right now and are go!

    I just got taco bell on my way home! Damn you Taco Bell!
  3. i love you....
  4. The expiration date is the 14th. You can still print them and use them another day.
  5. :laughing:

    This is probably so more people buy their shit after all that went down.
  6. looks like my girlfriend is getting a free taco for Valentines :love:
  7. *prints 50 of them* yes free food for a week!!!
  8. you should be getting the taco for valentines :ey:
  9. Lool.
  10. this isn't what i was expecting when i saw a free taco thread posted by a girl :(
  11. ^^ lol

    Too bad it doesn't work for my printer.. and I don't wanna put in the effort right now.

    nice post Royks!
  12. Sweet this is a college potheads dream come true.

  13. haha touche my friend, touche.:smoke:

  14. Sorry :confused_2: just trying to spread the word about free food.
  15. i went to jack in the box for free tacos and they said i couldnt have water:(taco bell dont let me down......cottonz and fire sauce is all bad
  16. wait wait wait. is this a virus? has anyone else done it yet? it looks like a virus. but. but. i want a taco. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i want one so bad!!!
  17. Why would I post a virus? -___-
  18. Royksopp, dunno if I've mentioned this but...

    I love you.



  19. there, i fixed it.
  20. Got my coupon...tomorrow should be good. Wake 'n bake followed by taco bell (5.30 dollar volcano box and free taco!):smoke:

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