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Humidity Question?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by HappySmoker420, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. Does MJ like or dislike humidity? I have one of those professional steamers for clothes...this thing puts out a mad cloud of high humidity. Would this be good for the plants once in a while? (indoor grow)
  2. good q,my bath is in my bedroom, no doors, wide open.
    would it damage the plant?
  3. Humidity should be neutral.
  4. Cannabis prefers differing levels of humidity at different stages of its' life, as described in some of the sticky threads at the top of the grow forums.

    A proffessional clothes steamer that puts out a 'mad cloud' of steam would have to be used very, very carefully, for indeterminably small amounts of time, at a fair distance from the plants to be of any use in a closet or small growroom, plus it's adding heat.

    I wouldn't entertain the idea personally, but by all means go and steam one of your garden plants and see how it goes.

    Don't forget to report back eh? ;)

    Only if the Pressure is 80+ degrees, and pH is 65-80% :rolleyes:

    ;) :D
  5. I don't think you want to steam your plants. MJ likes mid-level humidity for vegging and growers like it to have low humidity during flowering (because it will encourage more resin production).

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