Humidity Control

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Norcali, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. #1 Norcali, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    Hey GC! First off, this is my first grow. I've read around, but as all newbies have questions, here I am. I appreciate any help or advice!:hello:

    TL;DR Controlling humidity, what do.

    My grow room, or converted storage space, is running around 69-71*F, and humidity is sitting around 42-45% during the light cycle. From what I understand from some of the stickies here and the absolute beginner section is that I need to be closer to 50%-70% humidity during veg, and dropping back to the mid 40%s and lower during flowering. However, it jumps up to 60% on dark cycle where the temp is around 55-60*F, so obviously heat is playing a factor here. More circulation perhaps? I need a way to control my humidity without investing to much in heavy machinery!

    My girls have barely broken soil, I was wondering as the plants get larger will the humidity problem correct itself since I'm not so far off the mark? Also what are some cheap/easy ways of controlling humidity levels?

    Ive tried such silly things as changing in damp towels daily (worried about mold, don't like this idea, it helped in the range of +1-2% humidity change) and my bathroom is adjacent to the room, so I tried two doors open with my exhaust fan pointed to the bathroom :p Silly I know. Didn't do crap, Id have to run the shower like 10hours for there to be significant increase I think. Some of the ceiling in this room is raw fiberglass insulation, not dry walled, and the flooring is concrete. I will try to get pictures up soonish.

    Just a little background information as well:

    250w MH/HPS, 18/6 lighting schedule
    240 cfm blower with inline carbon filter running 8 hours a day (acts as exaust with negative air pressure brining in new air from main room, also small rotating fan for veg stage)
    5gal pots, currently vacant, and 4x small pint sized pots for for my seedlings. All are present in the same grow space currently.
    Also, good amount of mylar up in the grow space
    Watering schedule is not present, just couple of sprays of distilled water a few times daily to keep the top of the soil moist.

    If any other information is needed I'd be happy to provide it.

    Thanks ahead of time guys! :smoking:

  2. I wouldn't be as concerned about humidity as your temps. I would try to get the temps up to the low to mid 80's during lights on, and its ok if they drop into the low 70's (or even high 60's) during dark. I have found that once they are sprouted, humidity isn't as crucial as good temps. A simple way to up humidity in the room is to add a large bucket of water. If you also add a small air pump and airstone, its even better. ;)
  3. i didnt read the whole thead but if your battling humidity in flower get a dehumidifer and set it at 50 55% or you can leave the exhaust fan on all night to lower it.veg can take up to 70% humidity so if its too low leave some open water containers dont want your temps above 80 85 f'n lower than 60 at night
  4. Thank you for the info tim. I actually moved from one storage closet to the other because of my misunderstanding, they were about those tems, thought it was too warm. avg. about 85 lights on 70 lights off. Ill go ahead and put it back in there with a nice bucket of water.


  5. #5 clos3tgrow3r, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    In addition to the bucket technique, or rather, to increase its efficiency you can place a sponge on top of the water in the bucket. This exposes more molecules of H2O to the surrounding air than does a still bucket of water.

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