humidifier and my auto question???

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by LemonSourD, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. my humidity is at 25 before using the humidifier and my bottom set of leavs are starting to yellow and curl so i decided to raise the humidity a bit to see if it cures that so my question is could i leave the humidifier on over night or 24/7 or only for a few hours a day (like around 4)
  2. What I did was purchased a humidifier with a digital screen that allowed me to set what humidity level I wanted and I leave it on 24/7 set at 50% humidty
  3. woukd 50%+ be a playground for damp spores?
  4. Humidity during Veg should be around 40-60% humidity and during flowering 20%-45%, flowering is generally the only time during a grow when you should have to worry about mold

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