I was watching “Vikings” a while back and they were conquering a country they had discovered. Their main objective was to basically kill everyone and take their possessions. And I thought, “ Did it ever occur to them to try and get to know them and discuss how they could work together to make life better for all?” Why do humans act like they do? I had a good childhood for the most part and good parents. My mother was awesome. My father… that’s a different conversation. But I never remember either of my parents telling me that love and compassion are important. That you should strive to be kind. That everyone is struggling with something, and that helping others is perhaps the most important thing in life. Has anyone out there had their parents tell them any such things? When I was a stupid kid, I always felt I had to prove how tough I was. That I wasn’t weak. Being kind wasn’t something I thought about. I don’t remember ever thinking critically about anything other than homework or whether a certain girl liked me. Did you?
“Vikings” was a tv drama loosely based on fact, but more on the netflix return ratings tho Naïve is the word Im using to describe you and that ain't flaming go study history and leave the weed to those who can handle it
Kids, what can you do. It's only legal to kill them before their birth day. We should change the age it becomes illegal to end their lives from before birth to 17, that'll give us time to know if they're good enough to keep before it's too late and society has to put up with their shit. Parents should be responsible enough to do the right thing. Parental Responsibility is important.
Not understanding what the OP said that was so friggin "naive" and "immature" it deserves these bullying comments. If you guys don't want to hear from new people, don't read anything from them. Bullying them just makes yourselves look immature.
My Parents Always Told Me To Be Kind Too. Even Sometimes People Don Deserve Me To Be Kind To Them I Still Try To Be Nice. My Husband Says I Am Too Nice Sometimes An Let People Walk Over Me But It Just In My Nature. I Hada Bad Life Up Untill I Met My Man An Started A Family. It Just Better To Spread Kindness An Happyness An Good Vibes Then All That Negative Stuff. Make People Love There Life Not Hate It. ~Toni~
You’re hilarious. I’m 55 and I can “handle” cannabis just fine. You’re entirely missing the point. You don’t think Vikings and other people throughout history have invaded other countries for their possessions? Can YOU handle weed? I’m done. Have the day you deserve.
My parents taught me to treat others the way I want to be treated, be honest because remembering all your lies is impossible, trust actions not words, trust facts not opinions, be a man of your word, sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you, trust is hard to gain and easy to lose, life isn't fair, and many many more. I love to joke around and have fun with my mates. I'll take kindness over confrontation any day. The world can be cruel and I see no reason to add to it. Vee is from Sweden so maybe you hit a nerve with the Vikings comment.
Sometimes people just have a bad day and they don't even know who they're talking to. Please keep posting! Very interesting thoughts. Certainly anyone could have chosen to think first before invading anyone's country...that is actually pretty sad that so much human activity is trying to take from others instead of appreciating what we have. Personally I'm friggin ecstatic that I learned how to appreciate what I have instead of trying to take from someone else. It's so pointless. People love chaos and pain so much they will bully someone who tries to help them out of a bad situation.
Oh I’ll keep posting. Thanks for the kind words. I don’t really care if someone trolls me. Like you said, it says more about them than anything. I had a stroke a while back. Then I was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. I don’t give any fucks anymore, so a troll really doesn’t phase me. I just think it’s funny. And I don’t believe in free will anyway so it’s difficult for me to hold anyone accountable for what they do. Even people of low IQ. It’s not their fault. They didn’t choose their brains. So there is obviously something that went wrong with humans during evolution. The desire to conquer and kill is apparently rooted deeply into our DNA. Perhaps I’m way off. I don’t know. I’ll never forget the time I noticed an old canon in the center of a huge display in downtown New Castle, PA. I believe I have the city right, but I don’t know. At any rate, many cities have similar displays. I thought to myself… “interesting that people chose to display machines that were designed to murder people, as if they are proud of it”. “We have a weapon that killed and dismembered hundreds of people. Let’s display it. How nice is that?” I have an idea. Why don’t you add a nice touch to it and put some bodies out there around the canon? Cover them with blood, sprinkle a few arms and legs in the vicinity. That’ll be nice.
Why do humans act like they do? I had a good childhood for the most part and good parents. You answered you own question, You had a good childhood, a lot of folk didn't . Violence begets violence. Instead of money and pride we should focus on love and kindness . Bless your parents
First, welcome to Grasscity. You have some interesting thoughts and I'd like to look at them a little deeper if you don't mind. Unfortunately, I have Bernie Biden brain today and can't express my thoughts well. Some days are better than others but today is a Weekend at Bernie's day. If we don't have free will then why criticize the use of canon to protect our side and kill those on the other? Whoever used the canons would have no control over their thoughts or actions. Whoever thought a canon would make a good display shouldn't be criticized if they had no free will. The Viking raiders were only doing what they thought appropriate and it was appropriate for them in their society. Maybe something didn't go wrong with humans during our development. We did what we did because it helped us survive. There was no social safety net, if we were starving we took food from others to feed our families and nothing has changed. Even today, if we were starving, we'd still take food from the weak and if they fought us, we'd still kill them. Humans who say they'd rather watch their family starve to death than use brutality to survive simply haven't been tested. As far as your age goes, it's cool. I can almost remember when I was in my 50s.
No problem. Very interesting discussion. It could be that the urge to destroy and take, seize and conquer is something that might not exist in us if things went the way they were supposed to during evolution or whatnot...but I tend to think it's more environmental. More like PTSD and people just turning into the same monsters that hurt them. But then...I believe people have choices and that's what happens. I believe in free will. If it didn't exist, people would be a lot more organized than they are. We would all be a machine and no one would question anything. It wouldn't be in our nature. But human beings ask questions. We always did. We want to know. We are insatiably curious, obsessed with knowledge. If there's something we don't understand, we hate that. I couldn't live in a world without free will. If I didn't at least have basic control of my life, if someone else could just walk in and take my house and I couldn't do anything about it, hell no. If I didn't have free will, anyone could do anything they could to me and I wouldn't be able to hold them accountable bc they can't help themselves. Lol well to a certain extent yes, a lot of things people do are mainly reactions to good or bad things that happened to them... negativity begats negativity, and positivity begats positivity, etc. What you said about the cannon makes sense but how did it get that way, with weapons like cannons being put on display and celebrated? Free will. Decisions made. People may not know everything, they may be blind, even insane. But everything that happens in this world is because someone made a decision before anything even happened like invasions, wars, stuff like that. Someone made a decision. Like someone made a decision to create rules and laws about certain things, and yes, someone made a decision to take someone's free will away from them. So yeah....free will is real. Religion is human made too. Not God. Religion. Anyway for what it's worth, that's my two grams.
Cactus Ed… you’re absolutely right. I often forget that we don’t have free will. I really can’t blame people for displaying cannons, or using them to kill. I can’t disagree with anything you posted honestly. Thank you for the insight.
Hazel… I agree that people make decisions. It’s interesting that you mentioned machines. We are, I feel, biological machines. We make decisions, and we react in each situation the best we know how to. However, you will react in one manner while some would react completely differently. And it’s all based on past experience, the culture they were born into, the way their parents raised them. And we have no control of any of that. The idea of no free will is scary to many, but I look at it differently. It’s hard for me to justify hating someone. It makes no sense to me. In the extreme… If someone would break into our home and kill my wife or my dog, I might still choose to kill the guy. It would go against everything I believe in. I would understand that the person might be a psychopath, incapable of empathy. He didn’t ask for that brain upon birth. He’s a victim of biology. But I still can’t say that I wouldn’t shoot him. That’s a flaw I have I guess. Or it isn’t. I don’t know. If someone would break into my home and I had time to prevent harm, I have no doubt I would shoot to kill and I wouldn’t ever regret it. I’m going to protect my family. The idea of no free will doesn’t change much for me. I’m still going to be kind to people. I’m still going to love the people close to me. But if someone is rude to me at a busy grocery store, I don’t care. I don’t blame the person. I don’t know what he’s going through. We’ll agree to disagree on that. Peace!