Humans are...

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by bkadoctaj, May 1, 2008.

  1. Mutuoegoömnimultiholograms.
  2. smokingdagoodstuff
  3. I think he meant to say humans are Multidimensionalholograms.

  4. So you think. I typed what I meant lol. ;)
  5. Wow... I can't google either word... this sucks. T_T
  6. it's obvious he said MultiGrainOakNutRaisenBrandCrunch
  7. 0_0
    I see it now, GENIUS!
  8. nah but really what he is saying- is humans are interperable. a humans action and their course through life is unknown and only the basics are known. you see how only the last bit is a word? that's the part of humans that we all understand, how we breathe, walk, and talk. but the begining which is harder to understand is the part of humans we do not understand the way a human will individually react to something. cause of course we all are different :D so humans are unknown/predictable. i think im right :eek:
  9. life is beyond words
    humans are stuck upon them
    your life revolves around the words
    if the word is unknown to you
    the feeling is unknown to you

    the moment i say what im thinking
    the meaning is lost
    so i say to you
    puta de la bangoo watari no sama-oui
    because it doesn't make any difference
    to me


  10. Asa(u)mpte(ay)sanmanskwashb(m)anana...yay(e)ay(e)yay(e)
  11. speakingintongues.
  12. scoobydooby67seemstohaveanobsessionwithbkadoctajoristhatjusthim

    ? ;)
  13. withmakingsurenoonetakesyourridiculoustheoriestooseriously.


  14. lol As if I even have doctrinal and organized theories. :p Do a thread on how useful I am and you'll also know how good a job you do at focusing on others.
  15. everything i say is ironic

  16. Damn, that was a good one. :)
  17. certainly not concepts. :D

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