Okay so my human sexuality teacher is completely ridiculous. She said there is no such thing as a "slut" in this world, as no one knows their personal sex lives besides that one person. And that according to stats the people who get called sluts have the same amount of sex as everyone else. Knowing me I got angry and began to argue but it was pointless, but I myself know "sluts". What are yalls opinions on this. Oh and she also said most the time guys force girls to have sex with them.
Your teacher sounds old, cranky and stubborn. I'd probably end up arguing with them too, their information is invalid..
The worst part is all the females started agreeing only me and one other blade stood our ground haha. And anytime i would make a statement should would just say no you are wrong
Of course... they feel like they're sluts when they have a bit of sex. They can't be like men and just do the deed then leave and smoke a bag of weed.
The thing that makes me mad though is she said slut should not be a word...because there are no such thing....thats bullshit in my opinion seeing as I know a few of them
personally the only time i call a woman a slut is when i am talking dirty to one to spice things up, outside of that context it means nothing to me. Where is this rule book that says how many guys a woman can sleep with and be okay and then ooops that's one too many guys now your a slut, its totally subjective what makes someone a slut and not a slut. However with that being said do i know people who have a lot more sex with a lot more partners than other, ya of course i do,...... do i know people that cheat on their partner like it is going out of style .....yes again.... would a lot of people be tempted to call that person a slut.....of course.... i don't simply cause i understand the psychology that is behind why those people act that way. As long as people are open and honest and responsible in their sex life i don't see a problem. I have known too many girls that have grown up in small towns where if you date two guys for a year each and then have sex with them.....all of a sudden your the town whore....sorry but how can any rational person take a standard like that serious More often than not women get called a slut by other girls cause they are jealous or because somehow 'that girls isn't playing by the rules' and guys call her a slut cause they are jealous how much sexual power women have and are threatened by it
I agree with her...not everybody values sex the same...not fair to call people who don't care as much sluts
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K1KHqi9bXc]YouTube - Dave Chappelle Whore's Uniform Clipta New Video Wave[/ame] Just because they have sex all the time, does not make them sluts
I may get flamed for this, but oh well I dont think any person is really what you call a "slut" I think we all as human beings have our own sexual preferences. Some people enjoy sex more than others. Sure, guys usually are more driven for sex than women are, but thats because it is hardwired into our brains to "spread our seed" in order to ensure our genes are passed on. Way back when we were still a hunter gatherer (cavemen and such) society, men usually fathered children with multiple partners. It came upon the women to raise those children. Things being the way they were, women were driven to seek security and peace of mind in raising their children. Eventually, over the course of our evolutionary existence, we began to "pair up" in order to raise the children. Men provided the role of protectors and providers, while women were usually the caregivers and took most of the child raising upon themselves. But now, our society allows women oppurtunities and right equal to men. This age of equality has empowered and encouraged women to open up (pun intended) and explore their own sexual preferences and tendencies. Some women like sex more than other women, just like some men like sex more than other men. Its that simple. (Summons flame shield from the Other Plane)
My question is, what makes someone a slut? Where is the line? Is there a certain number you have to go over to become a slut? If so, what is it? If you're a goodie good, you may think a slut is anyone who has more than one partner. Or if you sleep with someone outside of a relationship. So what makes a slut, a slut? To me, slut is just another insult word. It has no logical backing what so ever.
What do you think she meant by that exactly? Has she not heard of satyriasis (men) or nymphomania (women)?