Human Beans' Small Grow Journal

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Human Beans, Jan 18, 2024.

  1. #1 Human Beans, Jan 18, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024
    IMG_20240117_020138_700~3.jpg Have 3 and 3 that are six days from putting in soil. The Bodhi came up in 4 days and the Greenpoint 5 days. Using two 45 watt 6000k compact florescent and one 2700k (mainly for heat) in a cabinet. Will move at transplant to grow space with HPS and LED. IMG_20240117_020114_389~2.jpg
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  2. Welcome to GC. It looks like you're starting with some good genetics.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. welcome to the city Human Beans.
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  4. Thank you for welcome to the city.

    Here is pic of week two. Slight overwatering issue.
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  5. Week 3 pic
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  6. End of week 4 pic.
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  7. End of week five. Transplanted two Bodhi and one Star Dawg into finish containers (One 5 gal and two 4 gal). Have one male Bodhi put back to collect pollen and waiting on two Star Dawg to show male/female. Turned HPS off for pics (makes lines with my camara with HPS on).

    Already had to spray for aphids and spider mites (neem). Must have come out off seedling soil or growing soil? Have no other plants and aphids need a plant unless eggs overwinter in soil.

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  8. nice work/
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  9. Thanks trojangrower
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  10. End of week six since emergence. Will transplant small one in a few days. Also pic of each strain to cross and pollinate a few lower bud sites later.

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  11. Looking good but what light is that in the corner?
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  12. Right on and what is your little light above?
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  13. Hi Flannigan, the light in corner (and added one next to it) are just cheap $20 LED shop lights at 5000K. Since HPS is all red spectrum added those. The light above the males is an Optic cob at 3000K or 3500K (I forget).

    Also have a Timber twin cob (they no longer make) not shown and nice blurple for two other grow spaces with assorted side lighting. The HPS gives me ultraviolet light (also have 4 foot florescent shop light (not shown) for ultraviolet side lighting.

    Most LED's give no ultraviolet light (although my blurple does have some). I have three stalls for growing. Each is painted with elastomeric roof paint for highest reflectivity. I quit growing for a year so they are empty now but will take pics next week. The males are in a separate room in just a plain closet so as not to spread pollen to the females.

    Ultraviolet light greatly enhances potency and crystal formation. My belief is that a combination of LED's and HPS and florescents is best. There are some good compact florescents still out there.
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  14. Maybe I can get this filled up at some point?

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  15. I have hps and mh. I quit growing for 2 years myself. I'm getting ready to harvest my ayahuasca purple within probably a week and my blueberry probably still 3. I have a journal if ya ever want to look. Good luck. Oh my hps is a 1k in a 4x4 and since I have a staggered harvest I am waiting on a 4 inch Carbon filter system and a 2x4 tent. I have a 6 inch system in my 4x4
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  16. Definitely have some space I will like seeing it full
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  17. I was in such a hurry the other day I didn't see all your work so I caught up finally . Everything looks and sounds like you have amazing potential
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  18. Thanks,
  19. End of week 7. Mites came back and have likely over sprayed with various stuff and put fan on too close to dry and got wind burn. Some leaf damage. Never had this many problems like this.....kinda crazy. Like my plants are under supernatural attack?!?!?

    One Bodhi has really stretched (almost 3 foot...see yard stick). One Z-Dawg likely a runt so may pull it.

    Decided to put runt and other Bodhi under blurple as me thinks better than double cob Timber. Pic of LED's didn't turn out very good but shows the LED's that look like they are out are actually infrared. Also has ten blue and four full spectrum white with the rest red. Had it for many years and still going strong. It is American made with top shelf LED's (forget the name). The company only sold for one year (back when blurple faze first started) and then went out of business.

    Don't see many using blurples any more (full spectrum white now a days).

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  20. acatually, I went to homedepot yesterday (rare occurrence) to buy some kitchen lights and noticed they were selling a bunch of blurples there.
    omg HD is such a ripoff lol 19W for $60
    edit: I shouldn't even laugh; think of all the people that are buying those!
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