sorry to be such a wussy.. but I wanna know before I click the link; does it show nasty animals that are dead with guts everywhere?
I usually know if something is real or fake. I don't have a clue with this one though. IF it's real THEN it's mad crazy though.
a man was walking in the backround. the hippo was about the size of that guy. that would suck to be eaten by a snake.
hahahahhahaha, I am super super stoned, but seriously, that was so fucking funny! I can't believe it came out legs first! roflmsao (rolling on the floor laughing my stoned ass off).
Lovin it, that is almost as cool as the snake that choked and died trying to eat a gator in Florida. JOE>
it came out legs frist because when a snake eats its prey it eats it head first. it fit it into its mouth because snakes can dislocate there jaws Its a baby hippo but still crazy, but i like the pic of a snake eating a gezell because the snake takes in the horns to which is crazy.