Huge problem with smell

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by limpy L, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Hey guys and gals..

    I have 4x4x5 secret jardin room with a 2' high carbon filter set up inside sucking in and blowing through the cool tube 1k light and out through the joist in my basement. This is ending my first grow and my wife pointed out that when you first walk through the door you get a brief smell of weed for a split second (she is ok with the grow). What can I do to correct it. I have it blowing out between the joist because the room I made it too small to dissipate the heat. The exhaust is no where close to the garage door and the front door on the first floor..
  2. #2 Doc-J, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
    What brand of filter? There shouldn't be any smell exhausting unless you have an air leak, crappy filter, or too much air is being pulled through. Filters are rated for a Max cfm.
  3. Is all the exhaust blowing out through the carbon filter? No open holes without intake fans?

    If so you may need a new carbon filter
  4. I have the filter inside the tent sucking through the filter. I see very small holes where the zippers meet but that is all.. I have the filter fan 6" on full Suction maintaining a negative pressure inside the tent. I have a 4" inline blowing into the tent. I will attach a pic of te set up
  5. Here is the pic

    Attached Files:

  6. is the air on the filter going into the grow or is it going out of the filter.
  7. It is sucking in through the filter and discharging out through the cool tube
  8. #8 BYOweed, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2013
    Pay attention to joker.

    If it's a cheap brand of filter it's probably about to take a shit. Can,Phresh, Phat filters are some quality filters that come to mind. HTG and most ebay filters only last a few months. If not, check the filters CFM rating to make sure you don't need a filter rated for more CFMs
  9. I would put my fan on the end closest to the exhaust. I suck air in thru the filter on the end, thru the cool tube then blow out the exhaust (where the fan is). If your fan is inside the tent, there could be a leak anywhere between the fan and the exhaust hole that you would be blowing stinky air out of.
  10. That don't look like a Phresh Filter. I had an HTG filter once and it lasted me a whole two months before it was shot. Since then I bought a Phresh Filter and its been working great for about a year non stop. I would take the advice from Joker and BYOweed and just get a Phresh Filter. They cost about $160 per filter from, but they are well worth it since they will clean up all of your smell.

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