HuffPo sells out

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aaronman, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Socialist news site sells its soul to AOL.

    A tinge of irony here, considering HuffPo became popular by pinning giant corporations as the only evil in this world... and now they are one.

    Will any blades be boycotting? What site will replace HuffPo as the bastion of libtardedness?
  2. Haha, easy there. Just because QP3 isn't here to start anti-liberal threads every 20 minutes anymore doesn't mean you have to pick up right where he left off.
  3. :D

    But seriously. Are you boycotting and if so where are you gonna go?

    Is this a sign of things to come?
  4. $300,000,000. Chaching! We need to start our own left-wing propaganda site aaronman and get in line to be the next sellout!
  5. Aaronman anti-liberral!?!? vhut ez zis blazphemaeyyy
  6. I'm not a regular reader of HuffPo anyway, I guess I'll just ride it out until the articles backpedal in the corporatist's favor.
  7. Never really went to HuffPo anyways unless I was linked there. I get most of my news from NPR, NYTimes, and occasionally CNN, PBS or more recently Al Jazeera. Maybe, Fox when I'm in the mood for some comedic relief :p.

    More like a sign of things that have already come.
  8. I heard the news and I almost fell over laughing.
  9. LMAO HuffPo sold out a LONG time ago......

  10. Which proves you surround yourself by like minded, left wing propagandists then wag your finger about the ONE right wing network. Hilarious.

    By the way, anyone else noticed that the media never refers to the HufPo as "liberal" or "left wing"? Yet, anything that isn't left wing get the "conservative" label.

    CBS Evening News Skips Liberal Label of Huffington Post

    NBC's Today Leaves Out Liberal Label for Huffington Post in AOL Buyout Coverage

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