HPS vs. CFL question

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by Popeye, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. I am veging with 400w hps with a few 5600k cfl's as supplimental. My babies seem to bend around the cfl's to reach for the hps. I have a nice set up so I can clamp cfl fixtures anywhere I want, but they dont seem to want the cfl light source. Is it that beneficial to have supplimental lighting? What would you guys suggest? They do fine with just hps, but it would be great if they did better than fine:smoke: if ya know what I mean.
  2. Are they low watt CFLs? If so, that's probably why your plants are going towards the HPS. Yes, supplimental lighting will help (especially light in the bluer spectrum when vegging).
  3. Thanks friedguy. Your always will to help, thats pretty cool.:wave:

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