HPS Q and Light Cycle Q

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Michi, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. #1 Michi, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    I have a 150w hps system. Can I plug that directly into my power strip and unplug without doing any damage? Seems like it is designed to be used with a timer and everyone has a one but I don't. I'm planning on doing it the manual way.

    Secondly, I've been following a light schedule similar to nature. On at 7 or 8 and off around 10, maybe 11. I'm approaching two weeks and plan to switch my light schedule. Do I have to do that gradually so they can adjust or do I just directly switch? :)

    Oh, and how far away should the light be from the plants?
  2. You do realize a timer is about 6 bucks...? Why in sweet holy of christ would you manually do it, messing up the lights just a bit one day can stunt the plant or make it go herm. it is especially sensitive in the flowering stage...Nothing will happen if you unplug it other than everyone asking why you wouldnt get on of the cheapest parts of growing...and you can get one at wal-mart you dont need anything fancy. Fuck. lol
  3. Oh I wasn't aware they are that sensitive to the light cycle. I'll buy a timer tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know.
  4. Darwin has a good point...getting a timer would be the best idea here.

    But the manual way is just fine...to avoid any electrical issues, flip the switch OFF before you unplug it/plug it in.

    When switching to flowering light cycle, you don't need to make it gradual...it works out just fine to switch it right away. I always start out with 12hrs of darkness to get the cycle going.

    A 150wHPS should be no less than 6" away from the top of your plants. You can check this yourself by holding your hand flat over the canopy...if the top of your hand burns after a minute then it's too close.
  5. good advice. props

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