Check it . Im new here, but i was hoping i might be able to get some input on a dilemma and a disagreement. Have not replaced Bulbs for 3 Full Grows( Period of One year). 6 HPS lights with a 4x4 box underneath each. We try for the elusive Pound a Light formula, although its seemed to escape me so far. Replacing our HPS bulbs would be 600$ out of pocket. If we could put it off that would be sweet, I've recently heard that after a year or like 24000 hours your bulbs degrade. What experience have you guys had with it, Do i Need to Replace my lights ASAP or my yield will be lower than normal ( Not acceptable) --------------------------------------------------------- AND ANOTHER THING! I was hoping to get some tips for Increasing our Yield Currently we use a nice Organic Soil Medium - Usually with a Half-Bag of Chicken Shit mixed in the first 6 inches. Happy Frog Soil. Were pretty much Opposed to In-Organic Nutrients, i think it makes the weed taste shitty and it just seems like feeding your plants chemical bullshit. BUT I REALLY AM open to suggestion