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Hps and Mh lamps at a 1000 watts best height?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Oldyooperworkshop, Dec 5, 2022.

  1. 16 by 18 by 9 grow room 6 to 8 hid lights 2 to 3 plants per lamp. How high should I keep the lamps? Hps and Mh 1000 watt bulbs.
  2. Each 1000w HID should cover a 4 x 4 area. 8 of them will cover a 128sq/ft area.

    Your 16 x 18 area is 288s/ft. It would take 18 1000w HID to cover a 16 x 18 area.

    I myself would use all 1000w Hortilux HPS. They have roughly 1630umol
    I would keep them about 24 inches from the canopy. Depends on how good your temperature control is.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Gm thanks for info. Temp control is 75-81degrees. Cooler at night without lights. Got 3 grow rooms 16x18, 16x16, and 10x14 starter room. Can’t afford more lights so have to use what I got. Currently getting about 6-7 oz per plant. Getting a lot of leaf tho.
  4. Look on Craigslist for the 1k HID lighting. With all the hype behind LED folks a letting the tried and true HPS/ MH setups go for pennies on the dollar :thumbsup:
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. With 8 1000w HID you only have enough light for 128sq/ft. Thats about 11.6ft x 11ft.
  6. Facebook market place as well gavita open ended with bulb ballast all of it . I can buy them for 5 bucks each here . Lot of grows are shutting down here in michigan. I also sold my complete business . In a dispo it used to be average 200 to 250 for top shelf Today 85 . In 2012 it was 550 top shelf. All my friends also just shut down. We have our own personal smoke set up. IM not buying or trusting a dispo with my smoke !
    I wonder what area the poster lives where its profitable to actually grow todays market . Its garbage here. Even the black market is about out of business here . Who wants to buy from a dealer that has 1 or 2 strands when they can hit a dispo even get it delivered for free 40 different kinds 85 each ounce
  7. if you cant afford what you need , use a light bar and let them move from side to side
  8. Dispo here Are at $250 oz for so called quality bud. Cheap sh*t sale was $77. you get what ya pay for.
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Dispensary here is like 40-50$ an 8th lol
  10. Black market has been pretty stable for the last 5 years at 200$ an OZ
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  11. Same here. 10 % tax at dispensary
  12. We’re at 45$ an eighth for primo. Less for lower qualities.
    23% tax though…:confused_2:
  13. Here you go . Look at detroit michigan. This would be a 80 mile area from around that area . I do not trust the iron mountain . I was just there in that area donating cash to a casino . I hit a couple dispos in that area there are hundreds . Few i stopped at all of it was under 100 .
  14. Im in an unfriendly state, and the Governor did just sign an executive order allowing for up to 8oz Medical from another legal state, and you have to go to a Dr, and get a card. Plus you have to keep the receipt, and the name and address of where you bought it. One thing is you have to buy it from a recreational facility, because all of the few surrounding states that have legal weed, dont recognize out of state medical cards. But the Governor can only do so much by executive order. The Rs control both the House and Senate by super majorities, and the Governor, is D. The Rs have been holding up Medical weed for more that 2 years. To his credit a R did introduce a bill last winter of 2022, and it passed the House, but the Senate Rs wont take the bill up.
    So, this is how our representative democracy works: If a couple of dinosaurs don’t like a piece of legislation, they can make sure it never sees a vote. It doesn’t really matter what everyone else in the General Assembly thinks. No Senate debate. No public testimony in that chamber. Just buried.
    The same thing happened in 2020 — so much for the glimmer of hope that this year would be different.

    The black market is doing well in my state, and area. Weed is anywhere from $240-$300 an oz. $30-$50 an eighth.

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