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How's this bud look?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Matt27272, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. I've just recently started smoking and bought bud a couple times from a friend, and yesterday when I went to pick it up he gave me this and a couple small buds when I bought 1/8. I was just wondering if this is normal or not, because I've never seen anything this large. And it's completely flat.
  2. Looks like regs or shwag to me.
  3. I only buy fire so seeing a stem that large is ridiculous.
  4. too many hairs to be shwagg. I'd say its poorly trimmed uncured mids.
  5. Yeah I know its regs/mids, but what I'm wondering is if that is acceptable to have a bud that huge. Is this normal? Or should I prefer a lot of small nugs. Should I be at all concerned from this?
  6. No, nug size has nothing to do with the quality..
  7. Looks like some brick to me...

  8. That bud is telling you to begin growing your own. Hope that was not more than $10 US. Smoke it and get high, then investigate some simple grow techniques...your lungs will thank you.
  9. as long as theres not too much stem, bud size doesn't matter.

    what you got there has too much stem i'd say, unless you already took bud off the top of it.
  10. looks like mexi brick, thats also why it is smashed

  11. I would like to, but I live with 6 other guys who are not okay with that.

    So is the general consensus here that it is better to buy more expensive, but better weed? I have offers from other people who I know that say they sell dank weed for 50-60 for 1/8, but I've always been really hesitant because that's a lot of money for very little weed.

  12. never pay that much for an eighth, they're trying to pull you because you're new.
    eighths are 40-50$ and better weight 3.5 on the minimum
  13. ^Dont listen to this guy... Prices vary on where you live/who you know. 50-60 an eighth of dank is normal for many parts of the US. Just do a small closet grow in your room they wont even know.

  14. ^dont listen to this guy... a grow setup in your room will eventually start to reakkkk
  15. If you've never seen a bud so large as that, then you better avert your eyes from the 14oz nug in my avatar =-P
  16. #16 s0calt0ker, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
    Haha lmao
    I grow and it doesnt smell because of my setup. And my grow is much larger than a small 1-2 plant closet grow. Do it correctly and there is no problem.
  17. do NOT just grow without their permission
  18. Don't be hating guys, that aint shwag.

    First of all, a large stem is no indication of quality, it is just a big-stem which sucks for your quantity.

    Bud looks like it is okay quality, but poorly trimmed/manicured
  19. Yea thats bud alright.. not the greatest.. Looks like higher end midgrades. There is a seed in it i see. It has a brownish tint to it and its flat. In my experience this is the kind of brick stuff that comes from mexico. Sometimes they actually soak the stuff in cocacola and dry it to give off a stickier look while adding some weight. However your bud looks too fluffy to be real brick weed. So im not sure that this is the case but im just throwing it out there. How much did it cost an eight this will give you an idea of the quality.
  20. Ehh, If I had roomates other than my girlfriend I wouldnt tell them about my grow. Especially, If I wasnt a medical patient like the OP. The more people who know = more problems

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