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How's she look.... never lollipopped before..‍♂️

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by Anonymous710, Dec 3, 2022.

  1. Gelato autoflower ... She's starting to outgrow my tent! This is my first time using General Hydroponics and they seem to be steroids compared to Advanced Nutrients. DWC 3 gallon bucket in a 2.5x2.5 tent. I don't think she's started the stretch which is my biggest worry!

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  2. you have 1 heck of a plant going there friend i suggest a major defoliation on top of your lolipopping if you dont want to crowd out the tent
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  3. Ok defolition!? How close to the top of the canopy shall I defoliate? Just enough for max light penetration? And any ideas of reducing the stretch? I'm like 10 inches away from my mars ts1000
  4. i would say 10% of the fan leaves could go and just let her stretch then worry about it she may not stretch too bad
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  5. defoliate. aggressively. When you're done, if she looks like she was raped . . . you took enough leaves!

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