Hows my english paper?

Discussion in 'General' started by YipKong, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. #1 YipKong, Mar 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2009
  2. I only read the first 2 paragraphs, but that's a pretty good lookin paper man. The only thing I'd do is just add in some better punctuation. Some of those sentences could use some commas and shit, I think. I'll read the rest l8r and say more.
    Prolly wasn't much help but thats all I really noticed.
    Too ripped to concentrate on it too much :smoking:

    Good luck bro
  3. i would take it off here, a lot of teahers google search paragraphs/lines of papers to check if its plagerized. wouldn't want it linking back to GC
  4. ha yea man thanks for the input i do appriceate it.

    Yea i want to finish it up/edit it in the next 30 mins so i can smoke and chill a bit before bed as a reward for finishing it :)
  5. true never know. ill edit my original post before i finalize it in a hour or so just so its not on here.
  6. if i was your teacher id write "tl;dr --what do you think your grade should be, honestly" on top. which is why im not a teacher
  7. that was good, seemed a little short and ended abruptly. you have good support for your statements, but there are some grammatical/spelling errors that are pretty obvious. other than that i thought it was very well thought out, maybe try lengthening it a little bit, unless there are size constraints.:wave:
  8. i agree with pictures. but i read the whole thing, the only real thing I;d add is the testing on monkeys. elaborate that when they were forced to smoke it, they could not breathe any oxygen for one minute, and thats what killed their brain cells, not marijuana.
  9. Agree with Illadelphin^^ a lil short unless it's supposed to be and try to ease into the ending a little bit more so its not so abrupt. just look over mostly for punctuation and grammatical errors. Like, for example, instead of saying "are far more steeper then the drug use itself." take out "more." I saw a few lines like that. Just fix those up and you should be good. You got good facts and some really good points in there. Good writing, man.
  10. thanks. yea i have definatley changed some of the wording/puncuating already and will still do more. I may throw in some more about the monkeys, i had summerized the whole study but it made the paragraph seem super long so i took it out, i may try to throw it back in if i can keep it shorter then my previous attempt
  11. #12 the roach, Mar 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2009
    If they make you submit your paper to you're fucked after putting here

    You might want to consider emphasizing the parallels between present day prohibition and the failed alcohol prohibition of the 30's

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