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How'd you get into weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Olemiss140, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. #1 Olemiss140, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    How old were you when you first smoked, who got you into it, what'd you smoke out of, where'd you smoke, and any other details you might wanna add....

    For me, I just told this guy i'd let him cheat off of me on some test if he'd give me a nick. So that Saturday i was home alone for like 6 hours so I went and made a can pipe and smoked on the back porch. My god did I ever get high.
    Btw, I was 14.

    Good times... Your story?
  2. Damn, my first time was about 2 years ago when i was 16 years old. My friend was having a kickback and I was just gonna stay the night. I finished my 40oz and his brother asks me if I wanted to smoke a blunt with just me and him, and I just decided to try it. God I didnt realize how I can be, its probably the highest I have ever gotten. Then of course I got paranoid and thought that something was wrong with me.

    The next morning I smoked a bowl with him and fell in love with the mary jane...since then ive been token it up :smoking:
  3. 14 years old, my neighbor was 18 at the time and he got me into it.
  4. haha well i had never had an interest till i started working at a restaurant..alot of workers there were i had an interest in trying it. Then I tried smoknig twice with no success, then the third time i was with my best friend at the time in his garage. we smoked one bowlpack and blew the smoke outside the window and got so high.i turned around and just fell to the ground and started laughing hysterically saying that everything looked like a cartoon.hahah good times:)
  5. oh and i was 16
  6. My first time was in 1999, and Dawn said to "hit this", (16yo). (I knew perfectly well what it was, I could smell it from my car). It was at noon during the lunch break at school. Location was the student parking lot. I walked my ass over there, and took a big-ass hit, (and proved I inhaled by exhaling through my nose). After exhaling and deciding it didn't do anything, I asked her if it was Mexican Brown, because this didn't do shit. Dawn, (the one who handed me the pipe), Andrina, and Shawn just looked at me wide-eyed because I just took the biggest toke they had ever seen, and I was perfectly fine. I passed the pipe back to them and walked off thinking that was so retarded because it didn't even do anything.

    The first time I actually got high was in 2000, (17yo), when my mom went to the moose, so I blazed up on her couch. I got so shit-faced, that I slept in until 1100 the next morning. I got the ganja from my younger sister. Since that day, I've loved MJ. :)
  7. for me it was love at first sight.. or smell hahaha

    i was with my brother, my cousin, and one of my friends. they were all veterans except for me, so they decided it was time to break me in. (i was 14). so we drove around looking for a nice quiet place to toke up, and somehow we ended up in front of one of my other friend's house. after we parked, my bro packed the bowl and started passin it.
    when it was my turn, i had a lil trouble at first.. but i got the hang of it eventually. well needless to say, i didn't know how to gauge my highness so i got super blitzed. i also think they kept passing me the bowl on purpose LOL :smoking:.
    but then afterwards, we got some fastfood and just chilled till 4am.

    i miss my 1 hit days haha
  8. Senior prom, there was an after party and I was really drunk. This guy handed me a blunt, said it was some good shit and was being friendly like drunk ppl get, so I took two hits. My night went amazing so I invested some money into a 20-bag to check it out sober, loved it ever since.

    I couldn't tell the drunk versus high my first time, I just felt really fucked up haha:D
  9. My mom at the age of 12.
  10. i was on my way home from school and i stopped by at a friend's house, we chilled for a while and then they whipped out the good 'ol soda can pipe, i kinda freaked out cause they kept egging me on to do it, till i finally took one hit...didn't get high it just gave me a horrible headache but i liked that i could get away with it and it made me feel badass...i was 15 at the time...
  11. about half a year ago, I got super interested in weed. I wan completely into it and I never tried i didnt wear stupid clothing or anything, but I studied what it did and its effects cause I was interested. Then I went to college. Oh man, its everywhere. I almost sucks for me because all of my friends just assumed im stoned now, or "I got the munchies" and want me eat with them, not gonna lie, this is my first real pickup, and i got an eighth of real purp nuggets that looked supper nummy. So I have been smoking like 3 times a day. And I really do smoke too much, but for me....this is just the beginning, haha
  12. Peer pressure, the first day of high school, smoked out of an apple before school started. I LOVE PEER PRESSURE.
  13. First time I ever did it was at my friends house party, she was 21 at the time I was 17, up until then I had only used alcohol. I didn't really get into it until a year later when I used to deal other stuff and a buyer of mine was always selling pot so I traded with him smoked a bowl when I got home and I was flying, been toking and loving every minute ever since. :)
  14. I moved out to the country when I was about 14. I got the small southern town blues. Boredom and restlessness. No money, no car, and nowhere to go if I had one.

    The only neighbor kid who was my age pretty much lived for pot and pulled me into it. There just wasn't shit to do here, so we were always on the lookout for pot, and other stoners to pass the time with. Doing nothing, smoking brick weed while we'd sit on ditch markers on the side of country roads.
  15. In health class in school they teach you all this shit that "weed is bad" and it will kill you and stuff. I beleived that for like 4 years, since i first learned what "marihuana" was.
    Last year, I started reading (mlia ftw) and there's like 20 weed related stories per day. I clicked on them to see the comments... half of them are saying exatly what i was taught in school, and the other half was saying "you don't know what you're missing" and "the government is lying"
    that got me interested in it... then, this year, my drummer smoked me up. good times. actually, only twice so far.
  16. all my friends did it, it sounded pretty fun. i tried it and liked it.
  17. some people convinced me to do it in my garage freshman year. they laced it with something because i havent felt anything since it was the weirdest high ive ever had.
  18. throughout emelntary school i took those stuid D.A.R.E classes and when i cought my dad smokein i wigged, i hated weed untill like 7th 8th grade and was still against it for the most part untill highschool. then did some of my own reasearch, watch it effect other people and decided id try it. then a few months later my friends were like, let get some weed. went and got a gram from his brother and an old metal pipe. smoke in my room blowin out the window and coughing in a pillow. havent stopped since, funny enough the first kid i smoked with is now a straight edge pussy.
  19. Some people got me high finally after me unable to get high for my first 3 times and i just been really into since then makes everything funner.
  20. I didnt start anything til I was 18. I think I tried pot when I was 18 or 19 I forget, But I was a depressed kid and naturally when you hear something like that you turn an ear, I was never againg people smoking or anything, but I didn't do it. Finally I worked up the courage to try the "life ending drug" >.< lol and got my buddy to pick up and smoke with me, lol fricken dare... well from then on, I was a Think-For-Yourself-er ;)

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