How you got caught...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Kushfriendly, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. When i was 15 i got by my sister, she found my stash which i was hiding in the bathroom cabinet and she told on me, my parents were so mad at me.. They didn't let me go out for like a month. How did you get caught:smoke:
  2. u ever got punched bro
  3. I was 15 also, I got home from chilling at a friend of mine's house. We ripped a few bong bowls so I was chopped when he confronted me, and my father invited me downstairs and he held up my baggie and my pipe and said,"I knew it was going to happen, but not this soon." Haha, he dumped my 1/8 down the toilet and threw my glass on the ground and shattered it.
  4. Use the search function please.
  5. ^^ stop spamming his post please. and I don't really remember the first time i got caught. i got caught quite often because I didn't really care about getting caught. they usually took my weed, bitched me out for a day and stayed pissed for a few then we would be back to normal by a week later tops. i would usually quit smoking for a short period when it happened. but they got some sweet ass shit. one time they busted me on 420 cuz i skipped school to go smoke with friends all day. i had bought an oz and i only took 1/2 of it with me because i was going to another friends house later that day. anyways since i was going to school i drive my car to school, and got in my friends car and we peaced over to my other friends house. anyways by 10 oclock my parents were txting me get to school right now. then it turned into get home right now with 100's of calls from my family. i ended up staying out til 11 at night and i smoked throughout the day creating enough storys to talk for days. i got so fucked that day i lost 1/2 oz my bong, a bubbler 2 bowls and my favorite piece ever, it was this dope ass taster with a deep bowl and 2 rumbles to put your fingers in, but if you put it in between one of them it would balance on your finger and it was sweet as hell. i miss it so much! but yeahhhhhhh my parents would take my shit, dispose of it. and life would move on.

  6. Danm bro, that sucks, i had half an ounce in my room, im glad they didnt find that

  7. Unlucky, gettin caught on 420. I remember one time when i was still 15, my bestfriend came to visit me for my birthday and we took the car, neither of us had a license, but he had a permit and we went to buy 1/8 and got pulled over 10 minutes later cause we caught of a cop but we couldnt see it was a cop cause it was night, he was about to arrest us but we just acted like we were scared and we showed him "respect" so he let us go

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