The picture is kind of bad-ish quality and it might be a little small, but I am mostly concerned with the three bubbles where the pipe would go into. From my understanding the slider has to be touching the water when you smoke. So how would you fill this bong with water? The mushroom at the bottom has a coil perc and the cylinder thing in the middle has a coil perc as well. Hope this helps, thanks for the advice. P.S. Sorry if this thread is in the wrong place, still kind of new to this site.
That bong has a natural downstem. The bottom one of those three bubbles opens into the tube. Fill the tube above the opening, then put the bowlpiece into the joint and rip it.
So since it has a natural downstem does that mean you just fill it with water and the percs are filled as well? If so, do the percs even themselves out or do you do the slight blowing technique?